forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Reblod flag

Aight so since I was little I repressed a lot of shit for some reason especially emotions and such. I managed to convince myself I was asexual and aromatic. More recently, mostly over the course of this year, I've learnt a lot about myself including the fact that I randomly started liking some guy and now we're kind of a thing. We'll skip over the huge crisis I had over that. And then in hindsight I realised that I might have liked someone when I was younger too. So then I was like 'kay guess I'm straight' but I'm still not interested in sexual stuff and I've actually never really been interested in anyone before this, repression or not. But to further jam the spanner in the works I think I might have a small thing for girls too.
So I guess I sometimes have feelings for people emotionally but not sexual attraction although there's kinda something there for both guys and chicks. I'm not sure what's going on in my head. You'd think all this stuff would happen when you're younger. I honestly thought I should have it sorted by now.

Because of the chaos that is my life I sort of rejected labels but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still confused. Just need to talk about it I think

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Take your time. it sounds to me like you’re bi/pan romantic asexual, but I don’t love labels and you don’t need to adopt one. We’re all here to listen if you just need to talk, and we all understand.

@mozartsnumberonefan group

Aight so since I was little I repressed a lot of shit for some reason especially emotions and such. I managed to convince myself I was asexual and aromatic.

Yeah, I can definitely relate. Through most of middle school, I was grossed out by the idea of any kind of sexual relationship and deemed myself asexual. But then, a few years later, I realized that yeah, I experience some sort of sexual attraction to boys and girls, but that was kind of confusing since I never really thought of myself as bi.

To make it worse, I didn't even know—and I still don't know—if the kind of attraction I experience(d) is/was truly sexual or not. So now I think I experience a different kind of attraction to girls than to guys. Like I'm fine with kissing guys, but I never want to sleep with one.

I don't know if that makes sense, and I'm pretty sure there's no label that fits any of what I'm describing. As for you, what you have going on sounds a bit biromantic. It's different from bisexual in the sense that you don't want any of the kisses, making love, etc. in your relationship that would be expected in a sexual relationship.

tl;dr labels suck and aren't helpful, also HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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So, I'm considering writing a trans character, can someone explain what dysphoria feels like?

@The-Magician group

For me, dysphoria is when you feel so unhappy that you’re in tears and you can’t really do anything.
To put it into context…
The other week, I woke up and immediately knew that my body wasn’t right. Certain features that weren’t there that should have been. I cried for a good hour and didn’t want to move. I didn’t want to sit, or stand, or lay down or anything. I just didn’t want to be. Eventually I dragged myself out of bed, but I was still sensitive to the point that I broke down at work. It affects my daily life.
Another example would be basically every single fucking day when I look at my face. It isn’t as feminine or as flawless as I would like it to be, I just have little things about my face that I notice straight away because they just aren’t right. I can’t stand to look in the mirror, even when applying makeup to make myself look more feminine, because I can not stand to look at myself.


Alternatively, my dysphoria manifests in apathy. I don't have a specific emotional reaction to any pronoun or gender, which has led me to the conclusion that I'm agender/gnc (gender non-conforming). Yeah, I occasionally get it really bad when I look at my body for an extended period of time, more disappointed than anything that it won't look like a neutral human shape. I try to deal with it by wearing binders and baggy clothes.

Dysphoria affects people in different ways, some having it worse than others, especially so if they aren't surrounded by people who love and support them.

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  1. This is very helpful!! Thank you!!!! I may end up PMing both of you with questions lmao.
  2. Lee, may I ask what you identify as? I don't want to use incorrect pronouns

@The-Magician group

I’m gender-fluid, though at times I don’t really feel like any gender (I still class myself as fluid though, makes it easier). When it comes to pronouns, while I prefer he/him and they/them, I’m not gonna blow my fuse if someone uses she/her, or even it. Use whatever pronouns you want for me.
My friends use she/her and they/them, my boyfriend uses it 😂 my managers use they/them

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Just so y'all know, I'm giving everyone a virtual hug right now.


have any of you had that teacher that you feel is out to get you cause you think they know all your secrets? and instead of punishing you they punish your whole class and your class looks at you and then they don't like you?