forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

@HighPockets group

it’s not a bad start
Hey, the Q stands for queer and questioning so yeah! Come on in!
I myself am not ace, but if you have any questions, I’m sure there are people here that are ace and would love to answer them!



well now that i’m here i might as well force myself into the conversation

Today’s aesthetic:
semi-sparkly opossum earrings, bouncy hair, tiny sleeps, and struggling to spell asethatick

Deleted user

‘tis me, Ella :D

i was here a while ago for education purposes but left this and a few other chats approximately 2.5 seconds after joining when i found out my somewhat-strict, very homophobic Christian mother had the potential to see anything on my computer at any time with the click of a button

however, she can’t do that to my new phone apparently, so i’m a free bean now!

well anyway, uh… i’m starting to think i might be ace
98.5% sure to be exact
and so… i figured why not use this as an opportunity to make some new frens!!! :D

also, uhh… just going to mention, even though i have since changed and i truly, severely regret my actions, i do have a history of being unreasonably homophobic/transphobic, so if anyone’s not comfortable with me being here i completely understand, please let me know, i can leave. the last thing i’d want is to make anyone feel uncomfortable in their own safe space-

also, wow, this introduction is… really awkward.

i am off to a great start aren’t i

Hey, join the homophobic/ Christian parents club! Mine go through my phone as well but haven’t figured out about search history so I’m ok. You’re welcome here as long as you respect everyone else. And lastly, we’re not going to judge you based on how you used to be:).

@HighPockets group

Today's aesthetic: blue-green jeans, Edgar Allen Poe shirt, army green jacket with my two fave pins (Strange the Dreamer moth and a glow in the dark skull with flowers in it). Also BB-8 socks.

@mozartsnumberonefan group

also, uhh… just going to mention, even though i have since changed and i truly, severely regret my actions, i do have a history of being unreasonably homophobic/transphobic, so if anyone’s not comfortable with me being here i completely understand, please let me know, i can leave. the last thing i’d want is to make anyone feel uncomfortable in their own safe space-

I'm definitely not the proudest of it, but I used to be homophobic, too. Well, not homophobic per sé, but I was not comfortable around same-sex couples when I was younger. I think it was only after I saw and read more non-straight people did I grow used to the idea of it. (Hence why representation is important! Normalize the non-straight!) I'm Chinese-American, raised in a very conservative household, though that's no excuse.*

I have a hard time being open-minded about a lot of things, but I'm trying, and if you're trying as well, that's what really matters.

*I'm still not out to anyone but…literally one friend.