forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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i had an anxiety attack in my bathroom at 5am this morning because of finals, how are y'all?

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Just finished a final after taking a crying break halfway through.

@Mojack group

My dad would destroy anyone who did that to me, and I mean it.

I don't like to be touched. Friends learned (i just told them that i didnt like what they did and they vibed with it) to not run up and tackle me from behind. I get uncomfortable if most people get close to me while sitting down; when I still had recess a few years ago I was fine w/ friends sitting beside me on the bench because… 1. we vibing, 2. we've known eachother minus one person (who only joined us 1-2 years earlier) for about 8 years

so basically consent is key; but also knowing the person for a while too. and I do happen to give hugs sometimes. but overall if someone did that, yeah i dont care who that is I won't ever forget that day and i have no clue how i'd react either

this scenario reminds me of the time that i was walking behind a grade 8 when i was in seventh and he just turned around and slapped me and i still do not know why to this day

in response to how my day is, i'd say alright. stuffed up nose and sore throat, but to be fair dust is high right now and a lot of people that i know that have dust allergies are not having good times right now. i'm excited to see star wars tonight though

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I think my dad has people who are attracted to me on his hit list so I don’t get a relationship.

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@PunsAndShips i going have to find you and steal that hoodie

You’ll never catch me alive ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Are you sure About that? ( ͡◔ ᴗ ͡◔)


@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

@PunsAndShips i going have to find you and steal that hoodie

You’ll never catch me alive ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Are you sure About that? ( ͡◔ ᴗ ͡◔)


Just Tell me where you found the hoodie and everything will be ok ( ͡ㆆ ͜ʖ ͡ㆆ) Ok? ≧ ͡~ ▿ ͡°≦

Deleted user

@PunsAndShips i going have to find you and steal that hoodie

You’ll never catch me alive ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Are you sure About that? ( ͡◔ ᴗ ͡◔)


Just Tell me where you found the hoodie and everything will be ok ( ͡ㆆ ͜ʖ ͡ㆆ) Ok? ≧ ͡~ ▿ ͡°≦

5 different colors, I didn’t get to choose mine bc my grandma bought it.

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

@PunsAndShips i going have to find you and steal that hoodie

You’ll never catch me alive ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Are you sure About that? ( ͡◔ ᴗ ͡◔)


Just Tell me where you found the hoodie and everything will be ok ( ͡ㆆ ͜ʖ ͡ㆆ) Ok? ≧ ͡~ ▿ ͡°≦

5 different colors, I didn’t get to choose mine bc my grandma bought it.

(ɔ ͡♥ ᵜ ͡♥)ɔ

Deleted user

@PunsAndShips i going have to find you and steal that hoodie

You’ll never catch me alive ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Are you sure About that? ( ͡◔ ᴗ ͡◔)


Just Tell me where you found the hoodie and everything will be ok ( ͡ㆆ ͜ʖ ͡ㆆ) Ok? ≧ ͡~ ▿ ͡°≦

5 different colors, I didn’t get to choose mine bc my grandma bought it.

(ɔ ͡♥ ᵜ ͡♥)ɔ


Deleted user

This is the most entertaining thing I've seen all day.

( ͡o ▭ ͡O)

・゜゚・:.。..。.:・'(゚▽゚)'・:.。. .。.:・゜゚・

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

I have a camp half blood t-shirt. Well 3 actually. But only one is the right color (orange) , because I think my grandma got me the other two, and she doesn’t know PJO so she got purple and black


@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

I saw this on a web site and now I am mad

@Bre_is_sick_of_school group

cause i can and for those people