forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

Oof, I feel. I'm in Georgia, and the weather was in the 30s-40s today, and it was fantastic. I got to layer my clothes a bunch and that's peak comfort right there.

Deleted user

When I lived in Belarus we averaged 0 to -5 degrees Celsius in terms of winter temperatures. We do get a fair amount of snow though and our winters average 4 months or so depending on the area but apparently Belarus might lose its winter in 20 years or so? Pretty weird to think of that especially since I’ve generally experienced the winters all of the years growing up there
The temperature doesn’t really vary too too much since Belarus is kind of a smaller country

In Canada now it varies a lot but I’m in the northern part of Ontario and it was -15 degrees Celsius when I woke up this morning. We also got our first snowfall…about 2 weeks ago, and it’s stayed.

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I used to live in Maryland, now I live in Florida, please send some cold

Another Floridan! HELL YEAH!

@The-Magician group

I live in the south of the UK, please take the coldness away

Right?? Literally even my huge coat doesn't stop all the cold now and it's hella frustrating

It's gotten to the point where I have actually given up wearing a coat because it doesn't make a difference anyway

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I love the snow. I live in the north-east US and we get sooooo much snow, we get in the teens Fahrenheit on a regular basis, and I love digging hollows in deep snow and snuggling in for a nap for 30-45 minutes.

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I love the snow. I live in the north-east US and we get sooooo much snow, we get in the teens Fahrenheit on a regular basis, and I love digging hollows in deep snow and snuggling in for a nap for 30-45 minutes.

duuuuuude same

@The-Magician group

I'm filled with rage and death but can't let it out, feel free to ask why

Or, how about you vent it in the Venting Chat rather than basically asking people to ask you what's on your mind??

Deleted user

I'm filled with rage and death but can't let it out, feel free to ask why

Or, how about you vent it in the Venting Chat rather than basically asking people to ask you what's on your mind??


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California = Not cold, just super foggy lately and I LOVE it.
Washington in a week = Cold


hi, it's the local canadian idiot of south manitoba
the weather is cold and snow
i might've already gotten mild frostbite the other day bc i stupidly decided to go for a long walk