forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Emi and I literally agreed that the conversation was over. Why do you feel the need to bring it back up?

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Y'all, I have the best teachers e v e r?
Like, I'm nonverbal today because of my mom and my teacher understands!
She just told me to write all of my questions down and she'd answer them.

@The-Magician group

I am the only person my boyfriend has ever dated…

My day has been pretty unnecessary. I went into an art lesson where we didn't even do any of the work, then waited around for 2 hours for a lesson that was then cancelled.

Deleted user

Oof, my Caps lock is being a jerk right now.
I'm gonna have to reboot my laptop.

@TeamMezzo group

Y'all, I have the best teachers e v e r?
Like, I'm nonverbal today because of my mom and my teacher understands!
She just told me to write all of my questions down and she'd answer them.

that's. the. freaking. best.

@TeamMezzo group

Y'all, I have the best teachers e v e r?
Like, I'm nonverbal today because of my mom and my teacher understands!
She just told me to write all of my questions down and she'd answer them.

that's. the. freaking. best.

Deleted user

My next teacher was chill with it and just didn't ask me any questions during our lab.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Heyy I need help ;-;. So I like this girl but I don't know if she likes me back or not because i'm genderfluid and she always says she doesn't mind it but it confuses her- what do I do

Deleted user

I came out over the phone. It's a really good way to go about things if you're nervous. It's still scary, but not as bad as saying it to their face.


Maybe not the best way to go about it but I personally left a notecard saying I was ace in the bathroom where I knew my mom would find it and then left for school. If you tend to panic about stuff like that though, don't do it because you'll probably be thinking about the what-ifs all day. But if it's a way that works, then yay!

Either way I hope things go well for you!!


Y'all, I have the best teachers e v e r?
Like, I'm nonverbal today because of my mom and my teacher understands!
She just told me to write all of my questions down and she'd answer them.


Deleted user



Can we all just forget about this and just,,, not? Argument happened, we all learned a lesson, now it's done and over with. Jeesh.

Also fuck's sakes dude chill, I get that you're mad but were the huge letters really necessary?

Deleted user

Yes, because Emi and I, the ones it involved, stated the discussion was over. People need to respect it.


Okay I get that, but at the same time, it's a little frustrating when you see people just,,, yelling(at least that's how I'm interpreting it) at each other when you could just ignore the other people.

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Loud whistle

Alright nerds, leave it alone.
Blurry, stop retaliating if you don't want it brought up again
Cloudy, don't retaliate.

In other news, my face is cold and I live in florida. This is a miracle.

Deleted user

It's always hot here, but I was able to walk home without ending up being drenched in sweat.