forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Y'all there's this really good book I just finished called "The Fever King" by Victoria Lee and it's awesome except the ending leaves off on not quite a cliff hanger but EXTREMELY UNSATISFYING but I just found out there's a sequel so that's okay lol and I'm bringing it up here because the MC is bi(ALSO A LOT OF OTHER MINORITIES LIKE BIRACIAL AND JEWISH AND HIS boyfriend LOVE INTEREST IS GAY AND POC SO LOTS OF REP) and that's enough of an excuse for me to bring it up in this chat. Also this quote from a review is p r e t t y accurate: "If you're looking for gay, moral greyness, and a soul-crushing, heartbreaking book, this one's for you." I PROMISE IT'S REALLY GOOD OKAY AND IT MADE ME FEEL THE FEELS

I do want to mention that there is referenced sexual abuse in the first one and according to the content ratings the author put up on her website(, there is some graphic content in that regard. Also mentions of suicide(the MC's mother killed herself before the book starts, so that's referenced a few times), alcoholism in a minor, and drugs. Just wanted to bring that up in case anyone had triggers. The full content warning is here( you want to check that out for yourselves.

Jesus christ sorry for the rant but you guys should really read it. It's awesome and my favorite thing and I literally might just try and buy this from my school's library


Y'all there's this really good book I just finished called "The Fever King" by Victoria Lee and it's awesome except the ending leaves off on not quite a cliff hanger but EXTREMELY UNSATISFYING but I just found out there's a sequel so that's okay lol and I'm bringing it up here because the MC is bi(ALSO A LOT OF OTHER MINORITIES LIKE BIRACIAL AND JEWISH AND HIS boyfriend LOVE INTEREST IS GAY AND POC SO LOTS OF REP) and that's enough of an excuse for me to bring it up in this chat. Also this quote from a review is p r e t t y accurate: "If you're looking for gay, moral greyness, and a soul-crushing, heartbreaking book, this one's for you." I PROMISE IT'S REALLY GOOD OKAY AND IT MADE ME FEEL THE FEELS

I do want to mention that there is referenced sexual abuse in the first one and according to the content ratings the author put up on her website(, there is some graphic content in that regard. Also mentions of suicide(the MC's mother killed herself before the book starts, so that's referenced a few times), alcoholism in a minor, and drugs. Just wanted to bring that up in case anyone had triggers. The full content warning is here( you want to check that out for yourselves.

Jesus christ sorry for the rant but you guys should really read it. It's awesome and my favorite thing and I literally might just try and buy this from my school's library


Y'all there's this really good book I just finished called "The Fever King" by Victoria Lee and it's awesome except the ending leaves off on not quite a cliff hanger but EXTREMELY UNSATISFYING but I just found out there's a sequel so that's okay lol and I'm bringing it up here because the MC is bi(ALSO A LOT OF OTHER MINORITIES LIKE BIRACIAL AND JEWISH AND HIS boyfriend LOVE INTEREST IS GAY AND POC SO LOTS OF REP) and that's enough of an excuse for me to bring it up in this chat. Also this quote from a review is p r e t t y accurate: "If you're looking for gay, moral greyness, and a soul-crushing, heartbreaking book, this one's for you." I PROMISE IT'S REALLY GOOD OKAY AND IT MADE ME FEEL THE FEELS

I do want to mention that there is referenced sexual abuse in the first one and according to the content ratings the author put up on her website(, there is some graphic content in that regard. Also mentions of suicide(the MC's mother killed herself before the book starts, so that's referenced a few times), alcoholism in a minor, and drugs. Just wanted to bring that up in case anyone had triggers. The full content warning is here( you want to check that out for yourselves.

Jesus christ sorry for the rant but you guys should really read it. It's awesome and my favorite thing and I literally might just try and buy this from my school's library


Me, eating dinner: sitting in a chair like a normal human, eating like a civilized, well-educated member of society

Me, eating an ice-cream cookie sandwich five minutes before heading out: WEIRD ASS MIX OF NARUTO RUN/YOGA TREE POSE/FLAMINGO SLEEPING/T-POSING/UNCULTURED FREAK POSE

Deleted user

Y'all, I did my hair a different way and it makes me look hella masculine?
But I'm also going to wear a large sweater and a shit ton of blush with it to make me look soft so-

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Other good gay books!

  • Let's Call It A Doomsday
  • Wilder Girls
  • Radio Silence

Ooh, I read Wilder Girls, and it was pretty good.


Other good gay books!

  • Let's Call It A Doomsday
  • Wilder Girls
  • Radio Silence

additionally i would like to add:
-Amelia Westlake Was Never Here
-The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali
-Queens of Geek
-literally anything by Becky Albertalli


Um so here’s a thing that happened. One of my new friends this year (who’s a lesbian in a committed relationship) has listened to me talk about being single and today she was like “welp do you wanna be a not single gay??” And I was like “sure?” And after class she legit shoved me on one of her friends and was like “go be not single you two” and then yeeted down the hall, where she continued to sneak us legit Lenny face looks. So ummm that was awesome


OK unrelated to the topic of what everyone is talking about BUT: i’m a 17 year old bi female, and i grew up very catholic with a very homophobic family. Currently, i am only out to my mom and a few select friends. My dad is currently still very homophobic. How do I come out to someone like that? And any suggestions on when? I was suggested waiting until I leave for college (I’m already committed to one (this is my senior year in high school) and will not be living at home) but I would prefer to tell him sooner

Also a good gay book: 27 Hours
One of my favorite books that has themes of sci-fi and a dystopian future. Another plus side: every single main character (and when i say every one i mean every single one) is a member of the lgbtq community (like from what i can remember, there is a gxg romance plots and multiple bxb ones, as well as ace individuals and others!)


I recorded a thing!! I found the bi coming out song by Dodie on YouTube and I saw that other people were making parodies of it with their sexualities and I was like "I could make an ace one!!" and yeah

this is the cutest thing and you have a great voice!! :D

T h a n k s ! ! !

OK unrelated to the topic of what everyone is talking about BUT: i’m a 17 year old bi female, and i grew up very catholic with a very homophobic family. Currently, i am only out to my mom and a few select friends. My dad is currently still very homophobic. How do I come out to someone like that? And any suggestions on when? I was suggested waiting until I leave for college (I’m already committed to one (this is my senior year in high school) and will not be living at home) but I would prefer to tell him sooner

Also a good gay book: 27 Hours
One of my favorite books that has themes of sci-fi and a dystopian future. Another plus side: every single main character (and when i say every one i mean every single one) is a member of the lgbtq community (like from what i can remember, there is a gxg romance plots and multiple bxb ones, as well as ace individuals and others!)

Yo! I don't have any advice as to coming out, but I do have one thing that's really obvious: MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE!!! I don't want to seem like I'm assuming your dad's going to hurt you, but I don't know your situation and it's super important that if you feel like any kind of harm might come to you, just wait. But I hope that's not the case and you can come out to him and it'll go as smoothly as it can!

Also that sounds like an awesome book! I'm finding that I love Sci-fi and dystopias and ACE REP Y E S so I'll definitely mark that down on the "give it a read" list!

@Becfromthedead group

(Completely off topic but) I'm really excited because I get to do a presentation on LGBT+ health in a month. Still gotta get started on it, but it should be cool. I have to do a lot of research and stuff, but I also have a partner to work with, so I don't have to do it all alone.


Yo! I don't have any advice as to coming out, but I do have one thing that's really obvious: MAKE SURE YOU'RE SAFE!!! I don't want to seem like I'm assuming your dad's going to hurt you, but I don't know your situation and it's super important that if you feel like any kind of harm might come to you, just wait. But I hope that's not the case and you can come out to him and it'll go as smoothly as it can!

Also that sounds like an awesome book! I'm finding that I love Sci-fi and dystopias and ACE REP Y E S so I'll definitely mark that down on the "give it a read" list!

Ok, thank you for that advice!

And yes, the ace character is actually a favorite of mine in the book!

@V01DtheFae group

dude ams much feminine today litterally i am wearing blue and pink crystal print converse, black compression pants, black tank top under a salmon over sized shirt and my usual black hoodie

@V01DtheFae group

dude ams much feminine today litterally i am wearing blue and pink crystal print converse, black compression pants, black tank top under a salmon over sized shirt and my usual black hoodie

Deleted user

I fucking hate subs.
The lady who is subbing for my favorite teacher just called out my deadname and I had to explain that it's Reed. She didn't believe me until I told her my last name.