forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@The-Magician group

We only get dress-coded if we are showing too much, so like if a girl has her breasts on show or if a guy's pants are too low down, and literally no one dresses like that at my college

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, there’s no dress code at my college and people dress generally better than they do in high school. At least no hentai hoodies.
Only dress code is in lab, and that’s for safety reasons.


So demisexual means you don't feel sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. so does that mean you can still feel sexual attraction cause I think I'm demisexual but I feel sexual attraction but I don't get crushes on hot people or people im not friends with already? I've really only have had crushes on people im close with.

@Moxie group

I'm not demisexual myself but yeah I think you can still feel sexual attraction, just after forming an emotional connection with someone. So only having crushes on people you're close with lines up.

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ I consider myself demisexual, and that sounds about right. (also I personally will crush on fictional characters, because it feels like you really know them, ya know?)
Now there's also demiromantic, which is to demisexual as aromantic is to asexual, so idk where the line is for that, as I am demisexual but don't consider myself demiromantic. If the label feels right for you though, I think that's what's important.


ok then I think I'm a trans demisexual and am currently taken bacon to a person who Is SUPER attractive to me but they don't think so but I don't want to slap them in the face with love


just a q for you @TheDolorosa
did you go on any rides on like a fair, or got vertigo in a car or bus ride?
if you did, vertigo's been known to cause anxiety attacks in many, many people, and anxiety makes vertigo worse. just the perfect storm of emotions.
i'd say just try to calm down and revel in the fact that your feet are on the real ground on a real earth, and that you're not stuck in a dream. it should help you feel grounded.


Okay I got another question
I've been seriously considering cutting my hair, but I have pros and cons. I'm also talkin' short, like very short, above the ear short.
I really want to see what it'd be like with really short hair, and my philosophy with it is "Cut it while it still grows back," but my dad got angry when my sister cut her hair shoulder length and I don't want to get bullied for it by the horrid kids at school either. I don't want to disappoint my family, but I just want to see if it makes me feel more like myself.
Any advice or anything?

@The-Magician group

I get your situation.
I used to have hair that passed my chest, then I had it cut to a short back and sides grade 4 earlier this year. My mother hated it, like really hated it. There were people at my old school that made fun of me for having short hair, and even picked on my partner because of it. Not going to lie, their words hurt. But at the end of the day, I did what made me happy and the opinions of other people were just insignificant. I say do it, do what makes you happy and comfortable. So what if people don't like it, it means they don't really like you for who you are.

@Pickles group

So I kind of "came out" as aro/ace to like, three people over the weekend and I say kind of because I don't really think it's the same as coming out as gay or trans or bi or something and I just kind of mentioned it in passing because on Saturday my friend said "I think you might be aromantic" and i was like "uh yeah" and she said, "oh i kinda figured but I didn't you, like, put a label on it" and i don't really know how to feel about it
anyway there's that, that's all I came to say so bye don't really know what else to say

@HighPockets group

That's great bb!! I have yet to come out to a lot of people irl (only one close friend knows, and she found out from here, and a handful of drama club kids plus my crush), kinda waiting to see a bit before I do, ya know??

@Pickles group

Yeah. I told one of my friends I was ace last year and she yelled about it in the hallway in my defense because someone asked if me not wanting to have sex with guys or girls made me a furry. But I don't see any of those people anymore so it's fine lowkey thinking about making myself a bracelet but that's probably not a good idea

@Pickles group

I just realized that if one of the people says anything about it, it's going to be "you're just saying that because no one will date you" and I don't want to deal with that. but they didn't say anything today so hopefully we can all just ignore it


hi the local idiot (dat be me), is here to remind y'all that you all deserve to be happy and that you're important!!!!
take care of yourselves!! don't stress yourselves!!

i'm feeling extra fluffy and happy bc my pills have kicked in goodnight everyone i lov u