forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@The-Magician group

My boyfriend used to call trans people transformers because he was that kind of transphobic twat. Now, he actually respects them and even supports them (I might have had a hand in changing his mind, since, you know, I'm genderfluid and all…)

@The-Magician group

Okay. Why don't you catch them at a moment when they're both unoccupied by other things and try to explain everything. Perhaps it is also worth mentioning that you understand if they don't like it, and if they don't accept you, you just felt like they should know since they are your parents and whatnot

@The-Magician group

(It's okay)

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, it's a little difficult when you don't know everything about the situation or the people you're dealing with

@Cookies group

Thanks for trying tho.

this is probably obvious but make! sure! coming! out! to! your! parents! won't! put! you! in! danger! and if it would, don't until you can stay safe!! thats all good luckkkkkkk


Thanks for trying tho.

this is probably obvious but make! sure! coming! out! to! your! parents! won't! put! you! in! danger! and if it would, don't until you can stay safe!! thats all good luckkkkkkk

Yeah that’s a very important point

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Thanks for trying tho.

this is probably obvious but make! sure! coming! out! to! your! parents! won't! put! you! in! danger! and if it would, don't until you can stay safe!! thats all good luckkkkkkk

Yeah that’s a very important point

I'm not coming out to my parents until I can say it all the way over in Australia or something over the phone, because, yeah, I don't feel like being smacked and screamed at. If it's over the phone and they (mostly my mom) don't like it, they'll just hang up and block me.

Deleted user

okyeee yall im falling for this person, but people are telling me no because they ran through mostly all the lesbians at the school and their "body count" is really high if you know what i mean, but i already told them if we date I don't want it to be purely sexual i want emotional connections, I said that i want to figure out more about them before i get back into a relationship, because my usual relationship lasts about 1 month and i catch feelings easily

Heres a little about them
short and likes to assert dominance i take her top energy away because its kind of funny to see them mad
Adorable non-binary bean and i really couldn't do better if i tried
they tell me every day that they are falling for me which makes me fall harder
recently broke up with so that used to hang out with me, but now that hey broke up the ex has been avoiding me because they both liked me in summer school and levi has been flirting hella hard

btw sorry im coming to this chat with gay relationship issues and drama but i dont have anyone i can talk to it here because eveyones opinion is biased,

@The-Magician group

Thanks for trying tho.

this is probably obvious but make! sure! coming! out! to! your! parents! won't! put! you! in! danger! and if it would, don't until you can stay safe!! thats all good luckkkkkkk

Yeah that’s a very important point

I'm not coming out to my parents until I can say it all the way over in Australia or something over the phone, because, yeah, I don't feel like being smacked and screamed at. If it's over the phone and they (mostly my mom) don't like it, they'll just hang up and block me.

I came out to my mum about being bi, face to face. I called her on the phone when I thought I was trans because I couldn't bear to face her. Both of my parents are very Catholic—as I have mentioned before—so I know their religious views on that kind of thing. What I'm scared to ask them is what their personal views of it are. At first they thought I was only saying it for attention, but now they have just accepted me as weird (my entire family has said that there is something not quite right about me, if only they knew…)


okay so i apologize as i am terrible at social interaction but one of my dearest friends has come out as fully trans (girl to boy). i am a proud bisexual and female as well, but i've been struggling with whether or not i'm aro and i'm really confused and i'm so unsure about myself
and then
my girlfriend broke up with me for another girl. it hurt to see her with someone else, but then my trans friend said he had feelings for me and i really do think i like him but i have no idea who i am right now
AND THEN one of my other friends tells me they like my trans friend
plus one of my friends is horribly depressed and questioning, three are cutting, one is trans, one has almost crippling anxiety
and i'm the mom for all of them
my ex-girlfriend had told me that "she might come back for me" but i honestly don't know whether or not i want to be with her
however she has a habit of going around and spreading rumors about me
and as i truly believed i loved her i told her some very personal things
so she leaves me and she has some things that could literally ruin my entire life
but i'm tired and confused and i've honestly had enough. i'm not out to anyone except people at my school, some of which will shout at me to hold hands with my ex-girlfriend or make fun of my trans friend by saying "she's" stupid for thinking "she's" trans, spreading rumors i left someone for a girl dun dun dunnn or that i kissed another girl or i cut myself and i'm like i'm flattered that my personal life is so important to you but shut *the *hell up
i want to protect them all but it's wearing me down day after day
does anyone have any advice


okay so i apologize as i am terrible at social interaction but one of my dearest friends has come out as fully trans (girl to boy). i am a proud bisexual and female as well, but i've been struggling with whether or not i'm aro and i'm really confused and i'm so unsure about myself
and then
my girlfriend broke up with me for another girl. it hurt to see her with someone else, but then my trans friend said he had feelings for me and i really do think i like him but i have no idea who i am right now
AND THEN one of my other friends tells me they like my trans friend
plus one of my friends is horribly depressed and questioning, three are cutting, one is trans, one has almost crippling anxiety
and i'm the mom for all of them
my ex-girlfriend had told me that "she might come back for me" but i honestly don't know whether or not i want to be with her
however she has a habit of going around and spreading rumors about me
and as i truly believed i loved her i told her some very personal things
so she leaves me and she has some things that could literally ruin my entire life
but i'm tired and confused and i've honestly had enough. i'm not out to anyone except people at my school, some of which will shout at me to hold hands with my ex-girlfriend or make fun of my trans friend by saying "she's" stupid for thinking "she's" trans, spreading rumors i left someone for a girl dun dun dunnn or that i kissed another girl or i cut myself and i'm like i'm flattered that my personal life is so important to you but shut *the *hell up
i want to protect them all but it's wearing me down day after day
does anyone have any advice

I don't know what to say sorry

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, the only advice I can give for sure is stay away from your ex. I don't care how much you loved her. She sounds kind of toxic. If someone breaks up with you to be with someone else, that's a big red flag, and you should not take them back. On top of that, rumors? Come on. That's awful.
As for you feeling responsible for all these friends of yours? That's going to wear you down. Take care of yourself first, then you will have a better ability to take care of others. Also help them get the help you need, because you are not their therapist. You are their friend. So yes, you can offer support, but you aren't trained to deal with some of their problems, and where you can, you need to direct them to others who can help. Obviously.
Also, the people at your school sound terrible. Idk how to help you with that really, as I've been lucky enough to be part of accepting school environments (of course with some homophobes and transphobes scattered in, but what can you do?) I mean, honestly? You can't really change their behavior singlehandedly. Just don't fight back, and don't give in. Ignore, ignore, ignore. No one can have power over you, but you don't have to do anything to get yourself in trouble to prove it. Now, I would hope these people will eventually become educated enough on the LGBTQ+ community to have at least some acceptance, but that is mostly out of your control.
(A lot of this also depends on how old you and your classmates are. If you're in middle school, people will probably change, but if you're in high school, that's a maybe.)
Which also brings me to your situation with your trans friend liking you, your other friend liking your trans friend, etc. Take a step back and really evaluate things. Make sure you're ready for a relationship and wanting to pursue one for the right reasons. Also, if you think this could make you lose a friend because you decided to be with someone you know they liked, that seems like a kind of crappy thing to do. I don't recommend it unless you talk to that friend first, should you decide you want to be with this guy.
Idk if I explained it well enough, but this my advice to you.

Deleted user



@Magnus_forgot_how_to_feel welcome welcome!

@BecInMYday i really appreciate it, really. it was wonderful to see a response, and an in-depth one at that, in the chaotic universe that is the internet. thank you, wonderful human

also welcome @IzudekuMidoriya even tho you've been here longer than i have