forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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Y'all I live in Utah and its actually like…. pretty nice right now. shrugs It's not too hot or too cold. which is weird bc usually around this time of year I'm already up to my ankles in snow.


Lmao well I'm jealous

It's not snow that really bothers me, I just don't like having to wear a huge coat to keep out the cold and then try and shove it into the shoebox with a lock on it that my school tries to call a locker(along with my fifteen pounds of other shit!!).

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Hi there again. So I think I might be ace but I'm really not sure right now.


Cool And take your time to figure that out(remember that asexuality is a spectrum too, so you might not be "nope none ever" ace but you could be "maybe sometimes?" ace and that's perfectly valid!!)

@Kanaroli group

The supervising teacher for the GSA, Mr.Keen(An amazing man), has just confirmed that when we hold meetings the gay energy is so strong that it could power the school for about 8 decades. We all feel proud.

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It's a gif of satan in a corset waving a chainsaw around and screaming "gay marriage"

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Yes Awkward, I'm Miriam, and I'm bi af with a preference for girls.

Do you know how hard it was not to just say "hi I'm gay how are you"

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Alos, Blurry, you are really cute and your autobio is a MOOD.

I too have read the profile and i have one thing to say
Chase Atlantic is underrated