forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Mystic ac_unit

AHH! I'm so happy this chat exists! Hi!
sorry for intruding lol, I just got so excited when I saw the title of this

I'm an asexual lesbian, but I like the term "bambi lesbian" instead…

@HighPockets group

Also apparently it's Bi visibility day so I just wanna appreciate all the bisexual and biromantic peeps out there (or on here lol)

Here here!
Clinks nonalcoholic wine glass

@Moxie group

AHH! I'm so happy this chat exists! Hi!
sorry for intruding lol, I just got so excited when I saw the title of this

I'm an asexual lesbian, but I like the term "bambi lesbian" instead…

You're not intruding at all. That's what this chat is for
Hi, I'm Moxie, welcome to the chat!!

Also hey Bec!


so today was a day
i had forgotten to take my pills last night so i just didn't sleep at all
'nd then i was sick
and the only thing i had today was a few sips of dr. pepper and a whole can of tuna
but i've just taken my pills and i'm feeling slightly better so everything is ok!!

@Becfromthedead group

(Hey Jynnie!)
But yeah, I was actually kind of curious if anyone here has any experience with poly relationships??? I realize I’m probably older than most of you guys, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.
I just entered one and it’s honestly a good time.

@Mystic ac_unit

Hi Moxie and Rainclouds!
Thank you for having me in this chat.

And Bec, to answer your question, I was in a poly relationship a few years ago. I honestly enjoyed being able to open up romantically and have such an open and trusting climate. (I had to leave because I was moving to university and they weren't).

Deleted user

i will never be in a relationship so i can’t say anything on the matter aha

@Becfromthedead group

Oh, that’s really cool, Eos! So far I’m really enjoying all of the things that you mentioned. It’s still kind of new and we’re definitely still testing the waters. I’ve known the guy for years, and we’re engaged, and the woman in the relationship has been friends with both of us for about a year, basically since we started college. So I’m still trying to grow closer to her, but things are going really well so far I think. We’re both each other’s first woman that we’ve dated, so yeah.

@Mystic ac_unit

Oh, that’s really cool, Eos! So far I’m really enjoying all of the things that you mentioned. It’s still kind of new and we’re definitely still testing the waters. I’ve known the guy for years, and we’re engaged, and the woman in the relationship has been friends with both of us for about a year, basically since we started college. So I’m still trying to grow closer to her, but things are going really well so far I think. We’re both each other’s first woman that we’ve dated, so yeah.

Well good luck to you, Bec. I hope it turns out well for you three. Take things slow and in-step whenever you feel ready. I wish the best for you three!

Deleted user

i have dinner dance in 2 months and i don’t be have a dancing partner, which i’m fine with, but my school won’t let me go if i don’t have a dancing partner..

@Mystic ac_unit

i have dinner dance in 2 months and i don’t be have a dancing partner, which i’m fine with, but my school won’t let me go if i don’t have a dancing partner..

Ouch. Can you ask a friend to go with you and pose as a "dancing partner"?

@Becfromthedead group

Well good luck to you, Bec. I hope it turns out well for you three. Take things slow and in-step whenever you feel ready. I wish the best for you three!

Thank you! I’m pretty excited tbh.

Deleted user

i have dinner dance in 2 months and i don’t be have a dancing partner, which i’m fine with, but my school won’t let me go if i don’t have a dancing partner..

Ouch. Can you ask a friend to go with you and pose as a "dancing partner"?

here’s the catch
they have to go to my school and be in my grade
and they have to be of the opposite gender.. i don’t talk to people at school so i can’t really ask anyone aha