forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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There's this dude everyone hates that doesn't think pansexuality is a real thing and he thinks it's just being bisexual and that all of that is bad anyway, and he's tall but very skinny with no muscle and I could probably beat him up


He like…bullies anyone who says anything that he doesn't agree with but he's not good-looking or strong or popular or anything everyone just hates him


yEs but I'm aGgResSiVe and normally I don't feel the urge to beat up someone I know because I'm an empath but I don't feel that with him my gooooooooood i wanna beat him up


I am the older sister in my family and I'm also the oldest period so I have to be the one to beat him up
I think I might be able to do it outside of school

@Elder-God-Whisper work

He like…bullies anyone who says anything that he doesn't agree with but he's not good-looking or strong or popular or anything everyone just hates him

I spent a good 15 minute trying to explain that bisexual, omnisexual, and pansexual are not the same thing, to my GED teacher thsi morning. I'm going to make a google slides to try and get her to understand all of it, because it's overloading her brain (apparently) to comprehend this.


There's this dude everyone hates that doesn't think pansexuality is a real thing and he thinks it's just being bisexual and that all of that is bad anyway, and he's tall but very skinny with no muscle and I could probably beat him up

i don’t think that u should beat him up

But anyhoo I RELATE. I told a dude i had a gf (broke up with her a week later) and the first thing he asked was if i was ever in a trouple (french slang for three people relationship) and then when i explained that, no, i was not a lesbian, and that, yes, i was pansexual, he was like, yo so basically ur bisexual. And at that point i jut abandoned because he’s ‘that’ kind of dude.


i've spent most of my day making digital gifts for my girlfriend bc i've given up on a normal gift bc the long distance is longer than i think anyone realized
well i mean,, i knew,, but i had hope


I’m Aza, I’m pan, she/her, I had a theyfriend but I broke up with them cuz I’m in love with my best friend. She doesn’t know. Yay

Ooof. Well, were here if u need to talk, we can also pm if u ever need <3

Deleted user

Also. A hit list is a brilliant idea, can I help?

omg yes lets go! aha

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I’m Aza, I’m pan, she/her, I had a theyfriend but I broke up with them cuz I’m in love with my best friend. She doesn’t know. Yay

hi! nice to meet you!, that's pretty rough, we are heer if you wanna talk

@Kanaroli group

I am the older sister in my family and I'm also the oldest period so I have to be the one to beat him up
I think I might be able to do it outside of school

Let him land the first punch, that way you can claim it was self defense and get away with it

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Hi all. So, problem. There's this shitty country singer playing near our school and so "in honor" of his concert or something they've been playing his music all day. In retaliation I've been listening to the least heterosexual music I can find but I'm running out of gay, any music reccommendations for me?