forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Oh, really? That's so cool! My school has a creative writing class, but I didn't have enough room in my schedule to fit it. Maybe next year. :(

@Kanaroli group

I forgot todo my online assignments for my online theater class so now I have to power through 2 assignments with 16 questions in total, wish me luck.

@GameMaster group

I need to tell this story because it makes me die laughing every single time:
So I was waiting outside class with my classmates the other day for this project and the boy next to me just randomly says “I think hot girls are non-existent at this school.” So obviously I reply “Y’know what else is non-existent? Your love life.” He snootily replies ”None of us have love lives.” It just so happens that I had a date that upcoming Sunday so I say ”Really, because I’ve got a date this Sunday.” He looks temporarily confused and then asks me: “With K? Or with L(two boys I hang out with).” I continue ”Well my date is a girl so no.” At this point he has the most confused expression on his face. And he has the balls to reply ”So it’s like…a friend date?” Then he got really close and whispered to me “Are you gay?” Like this was some kind of medical condition that could have me immediately quarantined.

@V01DtheFae group

Aww thats sad me and my 'cult' is going to do the writing club together cause we are the writers of our grades

do you mean are instead of is and i know someone with a 'kathulu cult'

Deleted user

I used to have a long distance relationship with my girlfriend not too long ago but we broke it off so rip

but if you have her address (which im not sure if you do-)
you could send her something? Like a small card?

Deleted user

so my girlfriend's birthday is coming up and i am distress bc wow long distance so how do you do a proper gift i-

also, i saw a while back that you were mega stressed man, if you need to talk about it or vent I can totally free up some time for you

Deleted user

One of my friends since kindergarten just told me she had a crush on me and now keeps sending me poems and I'm uncomfortable and now I'm avoiding her.


Guys I think I'm aromantic because I don't think I've ever really liked someone romantically, even the people I've dated and kissed and stuff I didn't really like them in that way. I just needed human contact and Hug TM


I'm in a d&d thing but it's digital sooo fun!
I've also been dying of a cold and my MOTHER IS A SAINT
I had to explain to her the difference between Pansexual and Non-binary
and she told me to my face "You can be Grayson for all I care… But don't be Grayson, Grayson is a Doche bag name… be Grey thats a cool name,"
She also is loving and ya my dad isn't but I have a mom so yay.