forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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nah, just the last part about your gf, (i'm aroace for a reason aha)

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Oh and for context, I am

✨ Bisexual ✨

this is beautiful

Thank you



Ok so please do note that it is close to midnight and I get tired easily so im probably going to read this tomorrow and die of embarrassment .

Alright so it late. And I can’t sleep. Because I just realized that I have never felt actual romantic feelings towards anyone. Ever.
My crushes have always been visual. Crushes that I wouldn’t even want to develop. I could never have a crush on a friend, because I know them too well. But I never try to know any of my crushes well enough, because I’m too scared of ruining the mental image I have of them. so in the end I don’t know my crushes at all. And until now, I thought this was completely normal. Until I realized that all my friends have felt actual feelings towards at least one of their crushes. While I’m just sitting there gawking like a sad And Now i just feel like I’ve never met anyone that provoked any itty bitty feeling in me AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THAT

So let me just deeply regret pressing the post reply button right now


It's fine all my friends think I'm hot in a not sexual/romantic way so ya fun
I'm just your average trans who is going to therapy to get his Shit figured out :D


Hello, people, I'm Queer, I'm here and full of existential fear.
Well anyway how have ya'll been I've been meh
and I'm almost halfway finished with my year for this school semester!