forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Guys I think I'm aromantic because I don't think I've ever really liked someone romantically, even the people I've dated and kissed and stuff I didn't really like them in that way. I just needed human contact and Hug TM

Y e s
You put it into words


so my girlfriend's birthday is coming up and i am distress bc wow long distance so how do you do a proper gift i-

also, i saw a while back that you were mega stressed man, if you need to talk about it or vent I can totally free up some time for you

ack thank you thta's very nice of you???? i-
i'm not very used to telling people about my problems, but the thought that you'd let me is kinda nice-
hecc i have to hype myself up even to go into the vent chat

Deleted user

so my girlfriend's birthday is coming up and i am distress bc wow long distance so how do you do a proper gift i-

also, i saw a while back that you were mega stressed man, if you need to talk about it or vent I can totally free up some time for you

ack thank you thta's very nice of you???? i-
i'm not very used to telling people about my problems, but the thought that you'd let me is kinda nice-
hecc i have to hype myself up even to go into the vent chat

ah, well it's good to let your emotions out once in a while
they can drown you if you let 'em
and no problem, i like helping others when i can, it actually makes me feel something


I'm hurrying to write this BC I have to got eat but I just had a very long convo with my mom about my sexuality BC I had come out to her a few month ago and it was really nice to finally know how she felt about it so yh….happy. although her a opinions are a little strange


One of my friends at school is questioning their sexuality and I’m kinda excited bc they confided in me and suspect they’re bi like me, so I know what I’m talking about and can actually help. They also mentioned that they’re parents are kinda homophobic, which I also struggle with, so we discussed ways of connecting w other lgbt people and being able to do research so that their parents don’t find out. I hope I wasn’t too overbearing, but I was really trying to respond in a really positive way and make it so I didn’t stress them out with new words and terms and ideas that they might not be familiar with. I also just got really excited to help. No one has ever actually wanted my knowledge on the subject before, so I’m excited that I got to share some of this with them.


my parents are very very homophobic so here's my suggestions for research:
-if they check history, never ever click anything that says 'gay/queer/trans/lgbt/bi/etc
-dont do it on wifi at home or on a home computer
-careful what shows you watch. if it's got lgbt characters make sure it's not the main plot and make sure the show isnt labeled lgbt

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I have to do all that and more. But I lucked out with one thing. My mom let me get a navy blue fabric with rainbow polka dots for a dress and I mentally screamed, "YES!! I HAVE MY GAY DRESS!!"

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Hey, I want @Moxie to know that their advice helpeed greatly. My fiance and I thank you very much!!!!!!!

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I made an annocment over my school's loud speakers about there being a new GSA meeting on wensday and when I went back to my class and people asked me about it, other's responded with disgust.
So that's my day.

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Then when I said I was the pres, they turned to me with disgust.

I would seriously say 'jeez guys, grow up, homophobia is so 2009' who gets the reference?

I get the heather's refrence XD
That made me smile.


Then when I said I was the pres, they turned to me with disgust.

I would seriously say 'jeez guys, grow up, homophobia is so 2009' who gets the reference?

I get the heather's reference XD
That made me smile.

OMG yes I love the heathers and I get the reference

@Moxie group

Hey, I want @Moxie to know that their advice helpeed greatly. My fiance and I thank you very much!!!!!!!

What!!?????!!!?!??! Omg no problem my dude I'm happy to help!

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Oh Nooooo :(
That sucks bro I'm sorry

all good my dude aha