forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I don't want to end up being wrong, but I've had girl crushes and I don't really know what to do.


Yoooooo all these book recs sound good, I myself would recommend the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, anything by Rainbow Rowell (not all of her stuff is necessarily LGBT+ but I consider her one of the best YA novelists of today) and The Inexplicable Logic of my Life (TERRIBLE title but one of my favorite books that I've read this year).

@Sherlock_Who Hey bud, Confident Lipstick Lesbian over here; I do think it's important to distinguish between "girl crushes" and "crushes on girls", one is something you'd feel for a celebrity or someone you admire, while the latter is of romantic nature. Have you?? had crushes on non-girls? And did it feel similar to these girl crushes you've had? Or have you only had these girl crushes and no other confusing feelings for non-girls, and are just unable to tell whether it's romantic because you've never experienced it before? Something to think about idk, I'm gonna repeat what I've said before which is don't stress about it, let your feelings sort themselves out and your brain and understanding will follow. ^^


Hi, I’m Zoey. I’m pansexual and question in my gender. I use she/her pronouns (for now). I love reading (especially fantasy) and musicals.


Hello, all! I'm Jibbly or Ferret. I'm polyromantic with a preference for females and questioning my sexual orientation. I'm a female, but I'm questioning my gender, but use any pronouns if you want!! I don't care.
I'm single and not so hot on mingling.
I love science fiction, paranormal things, debates, and bein' positive. So, hi! :0


Hey, I'm Eli. I'm new to notebook but I'm so glad I found it. (and this group)
I use they/them pronouns and I prefer dating women (Ugh! is there a word that makes that not sound so awkward. I'd say lesbian but I identify as masc/non-binary)
Any way….
I love art and writing, especially poetry and a bunch of other awesome things


I just realized that I kind of jumped in and never introduced myself….
My name is PuffPoff (or just Puff), well, not really but it's what I go by on here. I am a girl, despite the fact that I often create boy characters. I am questioning, but am most likely pansexual or bisexual. Even before I started questioning my sexuality, I have been a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.


:) It was used to describe gay men a while ago
sometimes derogatory but I always thought it was cute
//Reclaiming that, I am a cute gay puff!//


Puff is such an adorable word though why would it be derogatory?


that's like using the word bubbles as a curse word


look it up on urban dictionary if you're interested. I can't link it because my computer has restrictions ;(


Puff is such an adorable word though why would it be derogatory?

I know, Right!?


I just chose it because Hufflepuff and all that…