forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hi!! Really happy I found this chat :) I'm a gay girl in San Fran who's out to literally everyone except my mom, who is borderline fascist. My current jams include the 'Blurryface' album, Todrick Hall's 'Forbidden' album, Cardi B's 'Invasion of Privcay' album, Taylor Swift's 'reputation', and the Fifty Shades Freed Soundtrack album.
I adore reading, whether it's fanfiction or published literature. Currently working on "All The Crooked Saints" by Maggie Stiefvater and "The Inexplicable logic of my life" by the same author who wrote "Aristotle and Dante Discover the secrets of the universe".
I love food, sleep, and fellow introverts with a good sense of humor (^o^)/
It's good to meet everyone!


I'm Angelique, I'm lesbian, and have the most amazing girlfriend ever.
I have a dog named Dobby, a chicken named Bellatrix {we call her Trixie}, a duck who will be named Emma or Killian when we find out it's gender, and a cat named Ziggy.
I consider myself a theatre kid and even though our schools theatre teacher drives me crazy I do like acting. my girlfriend and I actually met in theatre.
I turn 17 in sixteen days.
I listen to all kinds of music, just not gospel, jazz, blues, rap, etc. I know a few rap songs but it't not my favorite.
I love to write, read, and I adore all animals, except for spiders.
I'm a natural redhead and due to how thick my hair is it gets touched a lot.
I'm a Potterhead, and I'm the Slytherin half of a Slytherpuff relationship.
I don't think I'm violent but my friends would say otherwise since I like saying I'm gonna fight/murder people, and I have a habit of punching things… {I'm not serious about the murder part btw. I'd never kill anyone}

anyhoo… I hope I haven't bored y'all, and it's a pleasure to meet you!!!!


Hi @slytherinsong !!!! God, you're so lucky you have a girlfriend, and in high school!! Super happy to hear it :)
(I had an OC named Bellatrix who also went by Trixie, how coincidental)(she was kinda a chicken in the slang sense of the term, but resemblance ends there.)
It's so nice to meet you!


I'm Ammy. I'm the forum's resident old person and it took me a long time to come to grips with myself, but I'm here, thots!


Thank you <3 I'll admit, I'm still discovering myself, and I'm not as comfortable as I'd like to be, but being an older person who "knows", I want to help others younger and more confused than me come to grips with themselves.

@HighPockets group

@slytherinsong I’m fairly certain you summed up most of my life, but I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m not going to date anyone till I’m in my Junior year of high school at least, because I’d rather focus on stuff like fangirling and writing.

@HighPockets group

I’m just confused right now. A friend of mine who I might have a small crush on (I’m not sure if I do or not) is dating one of my more distant friends, and she talks about him a lot and stuff, and when she does, I just feel kinda sad-ish? I guess?

@HighPockets group

Doctor Aphra has been confirmed as a lesbian and I can die a happy teenage girl. Except I don’t want to die. But if I do, I’ll be happy.


@@jynandor Dude okay so same same same, I mean that's how I figured out I was gay, it took me three years but I finally realized my feelings for my best friend were romantic (it's a hard line to distinguish, between friendship love and romantic feelings gushy love, so I totally get where you're coming from). Only difference is I??? felt like zero jealousy when she was dating or in like with someone? So that's what was especially confusing to me, I thought I was aromantic for a while with just really strong platonic feelings for me best friend. ANYWAY yeah it might take a while but as long as you don't rush it and don't overthink it your brain/heart will figure stuff out on it's own :)

Deleted user


Case is the name (rhymes with race…mace…pace…etc etc etc)
Im a flaming 23 year old bisexual fempunk who loves dragons a little too much.
I have a lovely Viking as a boyfriend and a edgy Geisha as my waifu (aka best friend whos secretly gay but….well ya'll know the problemos)
I am the proud mother of a kitten that thinks hes both a ninja and batman.

Probably one of the worlds biggest Marvel/DC nerds but im an even bigger fan of books.

That's me in a nutshell.

I love you all



You know, being trans is great and all, but sometimes people's closed minds can really get to me. I often have people shout my birth name at me when I walk by, or they'll call me the t-slur, and I've even had people kick my ankles. It really sucks. Hopefully, my school will try to bring this to a minimum, but it's really hard.


@TinyZombieKat and @tori Welcome!!!

@TylerTeaTheGoose05 Dude I'm really sorry to hear that :T Can't relate, I live in San Francisco, but I guess the only consolation I have is that at some point you can move away and leave all those assholes behind. Sucks having to deal with it currently, and I'm rooting for you and hope you stay safe <3