forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Kaloobia Aww, that's so cool! :D I was debating GD too for a while, I wish you luck! >w<

I mean, as far as sexuality goes, my motto is pretty much "you don't have to make any hasty decisions." I thought I was gay, bi, pan, and a plethora of other things before I decided ace was the only way for me >w<
and tbh, I'm still debating my romantic orientation. I'm either aro or panro, I honestly don't know xD


Disclaimer: I am a generally confused aro-ace. I am not confused because I am aro-ace, no, but I just. What is the world. I'm just a confused person. I do not understand algebra. I do not understand why my friend is dating???? Help???? Also she's asking for emotional support but I'm like super depressed and apathetic so I'm sorry I don't do feelings but I can like pat you on the back and say it sucks does that work please help I'm confused.
Also is it weird that I keep coming out to random people like god keep your mouth shut me you're so dumb keep a secret will you but no.
Some kid is shipping me with my friend. Gotta keep explaining I'm not gay. Or straight. Or bi. Or pan. Invisible, apparently.
So that's me I guess nice to meet you all.
Oh also I'm new it's cool that this is here I'm loving the whole chat thing and how it's not just writing but also LGBTQIA+ stuff so that's nice because I'm still closeted (mostly – I'm bad at keeping this a secret because I keep cracking jokes).
I'm sorry this is long I don't know what the proper format is to introductions I have no people skills I am sorry.


@Ace lovely to meet you! :D I share in a lot of those problems; I have a apathetic tendency as well, and I have no clue what to do when my friends are crushing on someone. If you ever need a hand with anything, lemme know, I'd love to help :)


Hi @Ace!! Man, totally relate on the confusion, but??? as we grow?? we learn?? Or something. Let me tell you I crack gay jokes every, single, day, but when I first started people thought they were actually just jokes and didn't actually think much of it, or believe me. So if it's any consolation, you can crack jokes but that won't push you out of the closet immediately! Or maybe you subconsciously do want to come out, idk, we're not gonna psycho analyze right now ^^


@@jynandor Dude congrats!! I hope I'm not out of line saying this, but don't be afraid to change labels as you grow older and figure yourself out better, and I think that can go for any queer teen really. (I thought I was aro for a couple of years, too, until I wasn't, so I hope it's okay that I'm giving that sort of advice,,) But for now if you're aro you're aro, and I'm really happy for your progress in figuring it out!


@@jynandor You're super welcome bro!

@actualdragon Yup yup that's normal and relatable, just be patient I think, you'll work it out. I mean some people are still confused in their late twenties/early thirties, and there's really no rush, it's not much of a priority? Like with finishing school and finding a job and stuff. I mean, that's how I always thought. Anyway you'll figure it out, I'm sure. Good luck!


Hi! I'm new to the site and all that jazz. I'm Rowan and I'm ftm and pansexual. My parents are okay with me being pan but not with me being trans and they won't let my buy a binder which really hurts considering the fact that dysphoria is hitting me really hard right now, that's why I'm writing. I use it as an outlet and a distraction from everything. I don't really have anything set up yet on here because I've been using evernote, which is nice for keeping track of stories but not so much for characters and everything else I need to use.


hey I'm Jone and I'm an asexual homoromantic. Glad to find other who will actually accept me. Mississippians aren't the most welcoming.


@Joneathan that sucks man. you're always welcome here! and parents wonder why we're always online. we're friends here, that's why.

@Rowan i know its really hard to talk to friends and stuff, but maybe of you asked your friend or something they might be able to get you a binder? (sorry i know its not exactly plausible just throwing stuff out there) and maybe find something else that might help with the dysphoria like idk what do guys do (wait do you identify as a guy or a girl or nonbinary im so sorry i just kind of assumed that you identified as a guy because of the whole binder thing if im wrong im so so sorry my bad)


Helllo I'm Sol, I'm asexual biromantic and gender fluid. A little about me, I love torturing my characters, singing, reading, making pots, and writing.


@actualdragon its okay! I do identify as male/gender-queer because my mom is more accepting of me identifying and anything else other than male. I feel bad for asking my friends because I have no way of paying them and it's kinda like going behind her back, which is the same reason my brother won't buy me one. I tried this alternative for binding but it wasn't safe and I could have potentially bruised/broken my ribs, and I knew that went I did it I just didn't care. Long story short my brother walked in on me binding and not only did he take it from me he also lectured me because it was stupid. Also don't use gause to bind.


Hey hey dudes welcome!! Such a sudden influx of new people, how nice :) :)

@Rowan Hey I'm really sorry about your dysphoria and your binder situation, I can only imagine :( I can't offer any solutions, but I offer my condolences and hope you get through it safe and okay <3

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Hi, I'm not planning on telling people my name (because privacy) but I'm a forever alone questioning her sexuality human rights anti violence protester knitting Whovian Potterhead Sherlockian with a dad who is neutral on the subject (and respects the LGBT) and a mom who is a poet and an artist and a social justice-y feminist who supports everyone as long as they aren't harming themselves or others. I have two cats named Prunewhip and Fenton and a dog named Hannah and a hedgehog named Zoe and an older brother and a younger sister (a one year difference, I am a middle child) and I like cooking and writing books. I live in a country suburban area and am homeschooled, along with my siblings. I'm happy to set everyone here and hope I can make some friends!

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Hey, call me Demi (not my real name) and bi-curious? Bisexual? I think I'm in an in-between stage… not sure