forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Nah I'm a small innocent Hufflepuff that has never said a curse word (except for once accidentally while I was screaming a song from Chicago)


He Had It Coming
I accidentally didn't say the 'Lip' part of Lipschitz
so technically I swore


heck is not a curse word
but you guys are awesome for having such clean mouths


I love the song When You're Good To Mama but…it's not the best to sing outloud


I always felt like it had vaguely lesbian vibes but that could just be my gayself


My favorite song from Chicago would have to be When Velma Takes A Stand. It's so fun to learn the choreography and dance along


My absolute favorite Chicago song is He Had It Coming because I love screaming it at the top of my lungs


If you like musical I would suggest you go find Little Shop Of Horrors. It's about a real loser guy who finds a strange and interesting plant that when he brings it back to the floral shop he lives/works it is noticed by people and brings success. He soon learns that It eats blood. When it gets bigger and bigger he learns that it can talk and has to commit murder so he can keep it growing. I know I'm not good at explaining it but it is good. I would suggest the 1986 movie version if you can't find it preforming somewhere.

Deleted user

Ooh, I've heard of it. It has the song 'Suddenly Seymour,' right?