forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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no, no one does, because the teachers are actually dementors in disguise and they're slowly sucking your soul out (but not all at once)


It's a little better in collage, for those of you in highschool! I actually have a class, (psychology), that I just looooove, actually makes me want to go to school. The teacher is really good, and he's always telling stories while he teaches, so that's super cool.
But overall, I agree, school sucks, and the public system deserves to be decimated.


Mm, I'm a private school kid, so it's busy busy busy and sometimes I wanna actually die but at least I like half my classes ^^" Like, my problem with school has always been the workload, not the people.


Yeah, the work load is what gets me. That's why I'm not ever going back to collage after this semester ends. I don't need it for my career path, so why bother? Plus frickin student loans…


@Katana Hey hey!

@Hollydraws Aah, college in the Americas, amiright ^^" You major in psychology or something related, right? Can I ask what your planned career path is if you're not planning on going in for what I'm guessing is your Master's?


Tbh my dad is really transphobic and is like ‘noooooo they are a -enter birth sex here- when I say they’re preferred names and pronouns and stuff :/


@Kaloobia Actually I took that class just for fun because I though it could help me with my writing xD I'm in early collage rn, (I'm 16), because my dad works there, and we can get free tuition. My actual career is in video game development, and a lot of peeps say you don't need a collage degree for that so yay >w<

@Ash ,’) hhhh same feels. My dad doesn't believe in asexuality, so I've given up talking to him about it. And only my mom and sister know that I identify as agender as well, I'm not even sure what my dad would say to that xD
Sorry to hear that you dad is like that, I hope you find a way to get a good support group if you don't have one yet…


I have no idea. He's not a jerk about it he just always says "Well, wait till you're older and the old hormones kick in." Dude I'm 16, you've been saying that since I was 8.


@Hollydraws Dude video game dev!! That's really cool, and you're in early college you're my age wow wow that's super cool! Like that makes you sound super smart and I assume you ARE super smart, that's a good career choice too ^o^

Uggghhh parents sometimes. My dad is super cool and like 'meh I don't really understand but that doesn't mean it's not REAL, people can do what they want with their lives it's cool not my business' which is GREAT, I feel comfortable making gay jokes around him and everything. Mom unfortunately (like I mentioned earlier) is super conservative and right-wing, threw the Adam and Eve argument at me this one time before I actually knew I was gay and yeah. I mean she's Russian so I get that that's part of her culture but :T

I do think it's impressive that you guys try to talk to your parents and make them understand, I've always hated conflict and actively avoid the subject at home because of my mom. (Also decided I won't come out to her until I'm out of college and financially stable, so that I can cut all ties with her safely if she tries to disown me or whatever.) It's something I see often??? Kids coming out to their parents (or anyone) who they KNOW is ignorant and then suffering the backlash, and I just don't understand?? Isn't the number one rule of Coming Out to be 100% sure that it's safe to do so? I don't know. ^^"


@Kaloobia Yeah, I just adore games xD What about you? What do you want to be?
Good luck with your mom!! :( Sorry to hear she won't accept you. Make sure to stay safe! I feel comfortable talking about it with both my parents, even my dad, because he'd never bully me about it, he just thinks I'm wrong xD
You're right, he number one rule should be to stay safe, no matter what. I only talk about it with peeps I'm really comfortable around, or peeps that feel the same way, like you guys. Avoiding conflict is a great idea in your situation probably, but remember that there are people out there who support you! <3

@Abire You're here, you're queer, and you have nothing to fear <3 If there's a problem you'd like to talk about, hit me up! I'm always down to make friends and help support fellow LGTBQ+ peeps :3


I'm aro/ace and Muslim. My parents have always said "There's no such thing as asexuality" "You have to get married and have children". I used to go to a religious school and one of my teachers said "You have to get married and have kids. It says so in the holy book." And it really frustrates me and I don't really know what to do.


@Abire ouch :( That one is tough. I'm not in your exact shoes, so I'm hesitant to advise, but stick with what's true to you, man. It may take time, but eventually you'll be in a place that you can truely be who you are. I know it can be tough when you're being pressured from all sides, but hold fast. You'll make it through this hugs
On a slightly different note, you're the first other ace I've met aside from my sister :3 I'm panromantic/ace, and agender :)


Thanks. I've thought about it for a bit and I'm thinking that I'll just move out one day without my parents knowing and see what happens.
And I think its kinda cool how I'm one of the first aces you've met.


Glad I could offer support :) That sounds like a good idea, I hope you stay safe until then :3
Yeah! :D It's great to meet someone like me! >w<


@@jynandor yay! That makes three of us aces >w< I honestly wasn't expecting to find that many, considering how foreign it is where I live


@Hollydraws I'm kinda considering game design, but more so the character design aspect: I love drawing people, and I'd like to maybe pitch character designs for animated movies one day, encourage more diversity in media, all that. Not sure if there's a major for that ^^"
And thank you for you support! :)

@Abire Hey dude, sorry to hear about your situation :( I'm rooting for you, too, hoping you stay safe and healthy! <3

I have,,,,, mentioned it at least twice and will keep repeating it, but I'm SO GAY and,,,,, tentativly on the ace spectrum?? It's too early for me to decide, I'm super inexperienced and teen hormones and blaahhhh ^^"