forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Also, I'm kind of peeved at stories on Wattpad and Quotev where the main character is LGBT (no QA+ because I have never seen a questioning or ace/aro character on there) and their parents are homophobic and abuse them. And when the character gets kicked out of the house, they completely forget about their parents! I don't know about you, but it seems pretty unrealistic for me. My parents are strict Christians, but I love them all the same, I mean, I don't think I'd ever be able to just forget them if they ever found out. Same with my LGBT+ friends… their parents were either pretty cool with it; or weren't, but had to come to terms with it and stay on good terms with their child.


@Demipheonix1125 I've noticed that too and it honestly kind of sucks.
also can i just say one of my biggest pet peeves is when people are like "a is for ally" please no you're erasing everyone who's asexual, aromantic, or agender, because allies aren't oppressed, it's a choice to be an ally, it's not your identity

@HighPockets group

@Rowan Dude, don’t even use gauze to wrap up injures. It’s terrible! I tried to wrap up my foot because it was really bugging me, and it cut into my foot whenever I took a step.


Alright I have a question (because you guys seem to know what you're doing here): Is there a way to tell if you are bisexual, pansexual, or just straight? I've been dealing with this problem for a little while and I'm seeking advice. Sometimes I think I'm bi or pan, but then I think "Maybe not. Maybe you just don't want to be straight." and I'm super confused…

@Moxie group

@PuffPoff omg I have that problem all the time. Personally I don't really have any advice (unhelpful I know sorry) just that sometimes if I'm ever questioning if I'm actually bi I think of someone cute of the same gender and I'm like okay yeah I'm bi. And it's also important to remember that being bi or pan is a spectrum. Sometimes people like one or a couple genders more than another gender. So don't worry and remember that you're valid.

Also hey! I'm bisexual and either aro or demiromantic

@Moxie group

Also I was talking with one of my friends from church who seemed pretty progressive and stuff and we were talking about homosexuality and stuff and she was like, "yeah I've heard that apparently homosexuals 'don't have a choice' but idk about that". And I was just like oh. okay. cause I'm not out yet so she thinks I'm straight and I'm just like ugh

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ooh… i've been in similar situations and god, they're so fucking annoying…

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like, i love my friend to death, but she only ships the girl version of alex fierro with magnus chase

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That is something kinda horrible but you should love the person anyways.


Okay I'm reading this book called The Art of Being Normal and it's so good you guys should check it out

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Have y'all read The Nowhere Girls? One of the best books ever. It has:

  • Feminism truths!
  • Diverse ethnic characters!
  • LGBTQA+ characters!
  • And girls making a secret society to fight against gang rapists!


I'll be sure to check it out, is sounds awesome!


ah hello friends! just thought id introduce myself,,
my names Oliver im a pan ace trans boy and im tired all the time
also book recs?? sign me up ive been looking for good stuffs to read but im too intimidated to go into lgbt+ sections in bookstores and the such


My library had The Art Of Being Normal on sale so it wasn't in the LGBTQ+ section, but I really do recommend it it's amazing


I'm reading it right now and I'm warning you, it's making me cry and want to punch something


I finished the book and I want to cry it was so amazing…I can't put my love for this book into words

@HighPockets group

Chaotic Good is a good book. It has:

  • a girl who is being made fun of on the internet for designing a group cosplay when she didn’t know the fandom
  • said girl fights back against the sexism in fandoms
  • a cute straight romance and a cute gay romance
  • cosplay