forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Eli First off welcome!! Second off, you mentioned in your introductory post that you're a non-binary who prefers women, the word for attraction to females (especially if you're outside the binary) is gynosexual/gynoromantic. (Androsexual if you only like guys. Just a little fun fact :) )

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I just listened to the whole soundtrack yesterday. It's not one of my favorites, but still really good


I've been doing some thinking and I think I'm actually demiromantic asexual not aromantic asexual so all in all it's been a bit of a rollercoaster


Also I'm a Ravenclaw and obsessed with Hamilton. It helped my figure out that I am, indeed, bisexual.


i used to think i was a girl and a lesbian, but then i met someone who helped me realise i was trans, and then i saw brendon urie and was like 'shit i aint lesbean'


Hello my queer dears!

"queer dears" I love that and I'm totally using it if that's okay

Of course! Feel free to use "hey gays" and "hi bi's" too! :D


Hello my queer dears!

"queer dears" I love that and I'm totally using it if that's okay

Of course! Feel free to use "hey gays" and "hi bi's" too! :D

I constantly refer to my friends as "The Gay Children" and I even sometimes add ™

@Bianca di Angelo

like, i love my friend to death, but she only ships the girl version of alex fierro with magnus chase

meh ship
apart from the only ship the girl alex bit