forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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happy pride month y'all! stay here and be queer <3

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i am in the closet
it's very dark in here

@Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

I don’t really know much about the LGBT+ community other than the names of different sexualitys and I’m thinking of making a character transgender and bisexual and I just wanted to know if they are the right terms I want to use, so correct me if I’m wrong. Is transgender one sex wanting to be the other sex e.g a boy wanting to be a girl? or is it like one day you want to be feminine and then the other day you want to be masculine? Because I’m thinking of the character wanting to be feminine one day and masculine the other. And does bisexual mean your into both boys and girls or does it mean something else? I hope I haven’t said anything to offend anyone and I would really appreciate it if someone could answer my questions.

@Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

Thank you so much :) if you don’t mind I do get a lot of sexuality’s mixed up or don’t really know the meaning for example I don’t know what pan or asexual means and I would really appreciate it someone could tell me what they all are If you know?

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boi oh boi
difference between bisexuality and pansexuality-
bisexual people are only attracted to males + females… trans people count too!!
pansexual people don't give a fuck about who they like… for example, unlike bi people, they can like non-binary people. not sure yet if liking a genderfluid person counts as bi or pan…
asexual means lack of sexual attraction towards someone, hope this helped!


Yay pride month! Also like does anyone actually know how to come out? Cause personally I am very scared

I've been planning on coming out casually, like I would just start wearing LGBTQ+ shirts and stuff, but when people see LGBTQ+ they usually just think the person is gay and I don't want people to think I'm only attracted to girls.

@Oakie Dokie

i made it a goal to come out to 5 more people this month, and fml it's gone terribly lol
came out to both my stepbrothers today and they said i was joking and when i insisted they said i was gross and i was going to hell
but hell sounds fun so idk what their point is?


I came out to my two LGBTQ+ friends so that's kind of an accomplishment…and technically I came out to all of you guys

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i made it a goal to come out to 5 more people this month, and fml it's gone terribly lol
came out to both my stepbrothers today and they said i was joking and when i insisted they said i was gross and i was going to hell
but hell sounds fun so idk what their point is?

oh no… that sounds horrible! screw them, we're here for you

@Oakie Dokie

i made it a goal to come out to 5 more people this month, and fml it's gone terribly lol
came out to both my stepbrothers today and they said i was joking and when i insisted they said i was gross and i was going to hell
but hell sounds fun so idk what their point is?

oh no… that sounds horrible! screw them, we're here for you

i'd rather not screw my brothers :P i have a girl i'm fine

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I'm questioning my sexuality, came out to mum and dad and they were very accepting. A little to accepting. Well, more like they went on a long rant about how they would always support my life choices but still….

@Oakie Dokie

I'm questioning my sexuality, came out to mum and dad and they were very accepting. A little to accepting. Well, more like they went on a long rant about how they would always support my life choices but still….

luckyyy my parents support conversion therapy they are trying to convince my aunt to take my cousin there (she's lesbian)


Did y’all see the pride Bitmojis? They added a ton! I’m also now in love with Enfys Nest.

most LGBTQ+ related hashtags on Instagram are rainbow colored

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lmao one of the first gay (well, bi for me) things i did on the first day of pride month was… well, have you guys seen H&M's new pride sale? It's great!!
so my mom had no idea what pride is
mwahahaha i bought a rainbow hoodie that says "Love United," and 10% of the profits go to the UN Free & Equal campaign
my mom would freak if she found out
i'm wearing that right now, a shirt that gives off subtle bi vibes, (blue/purple/pink shading on mountains, says "Just Do It") and outlines my wrist in blue/purple/pink highlighter lines
Image result for bisexual wrist
like that but with marker
happy pride day!!