forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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i think im more bi than anything else, but idk. ive been thinking about becoming asexual soo.. lol.

You can't just 'become' asexual.

I've been feeling more asexual feelings and I've decided that I'm not asexual lol. i'm half deciding, half not.

whatever you're happy with


i think im more bi than anything else, but idk. ive been thinking about becoming asexual soo.. lol.

You can't just 'become' asexual.

I've been feeling more asexual feelings and I've decided that I'm not asexual lol. i'm half deciding, half not.

whatever you're happy with

It's always weird when you're getting signs that you're something you always believed you aren't, it's happened to me before.


Heya so yesterday I went to Disney and I saw so many people with the LGBTQ+ Disney hats and that made me so happy and proud!!!! (I actually had to go for a scavenger hunt and my friends that are not in the LGBTQ+ community just looked at me weird while I was just talking to random people and saying that I am also in the LGBTQ+ community :P)


hey it's still Artsi, I changed my username to make it more funny bc I always trip on stairs!

nice (me too btw and I am also an artist OwO)

yas we need more lgbtq+ artists


hey it's still Artsi, I changed my username to make it more funny bc I always trip on stairs!

nice (me too btw and I am also an artist OwO)

yas we need more lgbtq+ artists



and overall good, it's free dress day @ school and im serving Looks
if i'm gna be disphoric all the time i might as well look good, right?


Hey, I'm new to this chat. My name is Jay, I'm genderfluid, greysexual, and panromantic. My pronouns are they/them and I am an artist. :)

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Hey Jay, I'm Logan, he/they pronouns! I'm also an artist!

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I was rejected so thats nice.

here's a hug

I send up a virtual hug