forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hey. I've never really talked about this with anyone, but I think i'm trans and this seems like a good place to talk about it. I don't really know what else to do because I don't feel comfortable talking about it with anyone in my life rn. I'm guessing other people in this chat have gone through the same thing, and i'm hoping to get advice. So, yeah.

Welcome, what kind of advice do you need?

idk just, how do I know if I'm trans?

Well, there's no single right way to tell if you're trans but here are some things that might help you identify if you are trans:

  • When you don’t feel comfortable when being referred to as a boy/girl, or man/woman.
  • When a wrong pronoun is used to describe you, it may also trigger discomfort.
  • Some people may feel that their body is not in line with their deeply felt sense of self. The way their body looks on the outside may not match with who they feel they are on the inside.
  • The development of sex characteristics (such as breasts, facial hair, etc) during puberty can be a particularly traumatic experience for some trans young people. This may result in a heightened level of body image issues. Gender dysphoria is a term to describe this discomfort.

I have more advice if you need it, but these are some basic things that could help you with your gender identity.


for me some days I feel like a man and others I feel like a woman so I'm not fully trans

Transgender: People whose gender identity differs from the sex they were given at birth. Trans+ includes non-binary people.

If you want to identify as trans you totally can, my friend. If not, that is fine.


I'm genderfluid, and that's how it is for me, but you are awesome no matter how you describe yourself to others! :)

Genderfluid squad!


Even my voice is deeper than most girls my age and I'm an alto in singing and all the other girls are sopranos. I even like having around guys most of the time. My style is also pretty boyish. But sometimes I wear dresses and Makeup but not often

Deleted user

I'm genderfluid, and that's how it is for me, but you are awesome no matter how you describe yourself to others! :)

Genderfluid squad!



@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Even my voice is deeper than most girls my age and I'm an alto in singing and all the other girls are sopranos. I even like having around guys most of the time. My style is also pretty boyish. But sometimes I wear dresses and Makeup but not often

This is honestly how I am (except I'm soprano and I hate it sometimes).
I hate being around women because they expect me to talk about boys or makeup brands or other girlie things.


Even my voice is deeper than most girls my age and I'm an alto in singing and all the other girls are sopranos. I even like having around guys most of the time. My style is also pretty boyish. But sometimes I wear dresses and Makeup but not often

This is honestly how I am (except I'm soprano and I hate it sometimes).
I hate being around women because they expect me to talk about boys or makeup brands or other girlie things.

Ya same I started having with guys in 4th grade.

  1. most of the girls are assholes
  2. Guys are super funny
  3. I feel more comfortable around guys
    Hats off to you I can only sing soprano for a little while. I get voice cracks (PuBeRtY) and my throught hurts if is sing higher for too long.


Why are guys way better people than girls sometimes? Like the popular girls treat everyone else like crap. Then you have ME! I TRASH THE POPULAR GIRLS! Cause I'm sick of their crap and everyone paying attention to the. Ok rant over.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The popular girls at my school avoid me. Like, turn around and walk another way avoid, because I don't deal with their crap and they know I'll kick their butts in a debate/actual fight.


Ya, there is an athletic girl and I'm about 5 inches taller than her and we were doing warm-ups in gym. I was doing them correctly and she wasn't. I told my friend that and I talk loud so she heard me and went "eh," Then I DID ONE WRONG and she goes ballistic on me. She goes you want to go. I go let's go. I tower over her. She backed away and started mumbling to her friends about how she could kick my butt. Then she started INSULTING me to her friends and my friends. But, now our gym teacher has almost kicked us out of class about 7 TIMES! Now I'm like "Go suck a dick you asshole!"


Most of the popular girls at my school don't really interact outside of their friend group which is almost everyone but the guys are just dicks to everyone. I have a few guy friends who are actually nice, and I know some that are funny but I'm not really friends with them. My friend group is mainly girls, some non-binaries and a couple of boys.


Aw thanks SG and I like anime and one of my best friends doesn't and he teases me for it but he doesn't bother me by doing it he is a good person…Under all the memes