forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I came out to my friends as pan and trans earlier this year. Last night, I wrote my mum a letter and she was semi-cool with it.

That's a great way to come out to your mum!

Yeah. It's also how I told her I have anxiety and depression, since I generally end up crying when I talk about hard subjects like that.


Me too. You're not alone on that. I even cry when I talk online about hard subjects sometimes. I hope your anxiety and depression get easier to cope with.

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My brother asked where my mom's pan was (she has this favorite frying pan that she uses for all things) and I walked up, flipped my hair dramatically, struck an epic pose, and said "I'm here!" and he just facepalmed. It was hilarious. We found her frying pan though.

@Anti-Social Headphones Kid

I came out to all my friends. The only family members I came out to were my cousin and little bro. My cousin is still figuring out her sexuality and my bro is cool with me being bi.


My mom won’t let me watch a movie that’s rated R because of “sex, violence, nudity, drugs and alcohol, over 100 uses of the F word.’ Etc., like I’m 12 years old or something. Sucks that she doesn’t know I’ve watched plenty of tv and movies rated R for the same damn reasons and there isn’t anything I can’t handle in that goddamn movie. She let me watch Inglorious Bastards???? But not A Star is Born????


I didn't tell you guys this but over spring break my crush got a purple streak in her hair and when I noticed I just kinda kfjkdjhjks died

That's so cool and so cute!


Hey guys, I saw my dad in person today, the first time i've seen him since coming out. It went well. And I got my black spinner ring that i'm using as my Ace ring today, and my writing class got cancelled, AND my parents got a new car and are letting me have one of the cars as my own car, like I officially have a car that is mine. i mean it's technically not mine because I cant pay for it because college and no job, but i'm going to be the only person using it so it is in essence, mine!!!
today's been a good day.


He’s a little weirdo but so am I and he said he liked me and he said he was down for a casual bf gf type relationship and I said I was down for that too and then we talked about prom and he said his brother is getting ordained that day so he can’t take me and I said that’s okay because i’m totally fine with that and he said he’d take me out to make up for it. And this all just happened. Over text but it’s spring break