forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hiya, I'm new and just wanted to be apart of things…I'm bisexual and a total nerd.

Sup new person. My name is Ace, and I'm genderfluid and bi/pan. I'm the local anti-villain.
Welcome to the chat!


Hello everyone!
I know a lot of people are new so I'll introduce myself, im Hobbit, im aromantic asexual and I use she her pronouns.
okay now to what I reallllly want to tell you all
so I ummmmmmm…… I finally came out to my dad today.
I was terrified and I was crying before I even told him but I did it.
and let me tell you guys, it went so much better than I ever thought it could have gone or would have gone. he was just so good about all of it and was super just alkghldfhjalh[lsj;dlhfj
thinking about it is making me want to cry again just because I feel so happy about it still.


This is truly a touching moment! I've got to say, I'm really proud of you for coming out like that! You got some serious guts, and I'm glad that he accepted! It's truly awesome to hear someone get accepted for who they are in this world we are in today! Thank you for telling me this, Hobbit!


I'll be honest, my dad was probably the hardest person to come out to. Like I had absolutely no idea how he would respond, like absolutely none. So needless to say it was awesome to hear him be so supportive. It is great to not feel like Im hiding something anymore.


Hey everyone who has come out! Can we all share our coming out stories?

i mean i'm down but how long do you want my response to be?? lol. like, there's the summarized version overall, and then there's the summarised version of coming out to each specific person/ group of people, and then there's the long version, like paragraphs for each person including backstory and such, and I need to know which you prefer to hear


Hey everyone who has come out! Can we all share our coming out stories?

i mean i'm down but how long do you want my response to be?? lol. like, there's the summarized version overall, and then there's the summarised version of coming out to each specific person/ group of people, and then there's the long version, like paragraphs for each person including backstory and such, and I need to know which you prefer to hear

(honestly if you're up to it, I'm down to hear the long versions! but that's just me)

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Hey everyone who has come out! Can we all share our coming out stories?

i mean i'm down but how long do you want my response to be?? lol. like, there's the summarized version overall, and then there's the summarised version of coming out to each specific person/ group of people, and then there's the long version, like paragraphs for each person including backstory and such, and I need to know which you prefer to hear

(honestly if you're up to it, I'm down to hear the long versions! but that's just me)

(If yall wanna hear my coming out story ((well half coming out)) and don't mind a long version i'd totally share!)


You guys can share however much you want

My coming out story is pretty much one evening right before I was about to head to bed I told my mom I'm bisexual, fingergunned at her, didn't answer any of her questions, and ran to bed.

@HighPockets group

So so far I've indirectly come out to a few people (by indirectly I mean by them seeing my profile and/or posts on this site and others). One was Turzelle and we kinda didn't talk about it, it was just another thing about me like sometimes she'll ask me questions but usually we don't discuss my being ace any more than her being straight, which is like never. The other kid never really asked me anything about it. I'v also come out directly to two people in drama club and that went well. Everyone else in drama knows I'm not straight, but most of them think I'm questioning my sexuality. I plan on coming out to some of them by the end of this show.


Okay well the first time I came out to anyone was literally at church to my best friend sister and what happened was she kinda found out? Like we were talking about something, probably like crushes and I kinda just shut up and she was like do you have a crush? And the answer was a definite yes (and she could tell there was someone) and so she's like "who! who is he??" and I was like I'm not telling you. Then (i don't remember clearly honestly,,, that was a long long night) she was like "wait are you crushing on a girl?" And I kinda looked away and pretended not to hear her at all. Ooh and that was when I stopped being able to breathe properly because panic attacks are funnnn. So I just typed while crying and answered all of her questions and she was chill about it. That was the first time I ever came out to anyone.

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

Well I guess I will share my coming out story! (well half coming out story) For about lets just say most of my life I have been questioning myself. I've always known I was bisexual, I just denied the fact thinking that it would make everyone around me angry and that it was wrong. It was only about three years ago with the help of my friend who is in the same boat that I really embraced my sexuality. Coming out to my friends was easy peasy. The first person I told was my best friend and she nearly cried because she ended being bi as well. (bi buddies!). I told my other friends and they all told me that they support me and that they still love me the same. I ended up learning about how part of my friends were queer that day. I have one friend who thinks being gay is wrong, but she still supports me because its my life and she can't force her beliefs on me

Telling my parents was harder than my friends. It took me a while to even come to the decision to tell them out of the fear that I wouldn't be supported, and maybe they wouldn't even love me for me. After a while I told them. I told my mom and well, it wasn't as I expected it to be. She told me that it was in my head and that I don't know what I was talking about, and that I needed much more time to think about myself. How much more time do I need to know that real me? Even after a year, I still don't know if she supports me. When I told my dad….it went amazing. He told me he loves me for who I am and he doesn't care who I like. His exact words were "I don't care if you like a girl, boy, or both. All I know is if I hear your dating someone I wont be afraid to grab my shotgun." I only have one other fam member besides my mom who doesnt support me. My grandmother, she's that one super religious person who thinks that being gay is a sin and that i'm going to hell.

So yeah! That's my half coming out story! Oh and quick thing, I actually went down the halls of my school with a bisexual flag painted on my face screaming "Im queer and i'm here!" and "Imma bi bitch!" (And the reason I call this a half coming out story is because well, I haven't told anyone but two of my friends i'm genderfluid. I really don't wanna upset anyone any more than they need to be so I dunno what to do with that situation.)


I only came out to three people with the whole ‘haha you thought previously that I was straight but I am not’ thing. After that, I started high school and after I knew that the atmosphere was safe, I just casually slipped it into conversation and acted like it was no big deal.