forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm Wren/Sebastian, depending on who has control of the account at the moment. Welcome!


Helooo! I'm Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior and I'm technically not part of the LGBT thing but I stalk this chat anyway. How are you?

Nutella?? I didn't think you were here lmao

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hi im moony and i think im bi but im not really sure and i'm terrified to re-come out. nice to meet you.

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oh, i've been on the site before, but i keep flaking out on y'all and deleting my accounts. Nice to re-meet you


So my parents are sort of hardcore with the “god says love is between man and woman so LGBT is unnatural” thing
Like, they acknowledge that the community has been through a lot of shit that they don’t deserve and a lot of people are traumatized because of that
They think it’s unnatiral
And wouldn’t want their daughter liking other girls
So a n y w a y s
I’ve been trying to very very subtly introduce girl crush stuff to my dad so it’ll come as less of a surprise if I ever bring a girlfriend home in the future
And today I was watching The Crimes of Grindelwald with him
And he asked me which characters I found attractive
And I listed off a couple males plus Leta Lestrange
And he looked mildly confused but just sort of smiled and nodded
And it make me


It’s going to be a very very very slow process, but this is HUGE progress considering the fact that he yelled at me for three hours straight when he found out that I went to a pride social justice and gender acceptance conference behind his back