forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Well, there's one really odd kinda specific situation that I've always wondered about but never asked:

If a biological female discovered (is that the right word?) she was trans (I think I'm using that right), but was attracted to girls, would she be considered gay or straight?

Deleted user

Well, there's one really odd kinda specific situation that I've always wondered about but never asked:

If a biological female discovered (is that the right word?) she was trans (I think I'm using that right), but was attracted to girls, would she be considered gay or straight?

You are, good job.
I actually have been wondering that for a while


okay so first of all, if they were female biologically and they wanted to transition into a male, the correct pronouns are he, not she

second, if he was attracted only to girls and he was FtM (female to male) trans, then he would be considered straight, because he would be a male not a female, despite what his birth sex was.


Well if he's trans and likes girls then I would consider that straight? It's a little weird trying to figure that out in the transitioning stage of things, especially if he already had a partner and would have to come out to them, which just adds a whole new level of stress.

Basically: if a person is in that situation, don't pressure them to label themselves. They're under enough stress already and finding a label can add more unnecessary stress. If they like labels and prefer to use one, then sure, go ahead. If not, then just go with the description "trans guy who likes girls" until he finds something that makes him feel at home.


Well if he's trans and likes girls then I would consider that straight? It's a little weird trying to figure that out in the transitioning stage of things, especially if he already had a partner and would have to come out to them, which just adds a whole new level of stress.

Basically: if a person is in that situation, don't pressure them to label themselves. They're under enough stress already and finding a label can add more unnecessary stress. If they like labels and prefer to use one, then sure, go ahead. If not, then just go with the description "trans guy who likes girls" until he finds something that makes him feel at home.

preach, Ace

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Hey…. Is it cool if I talk here? I'm pan and genderfluid.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hello. I'm Alina, and I'm… confused, I guess.

Hello Alina! I am confused too! Welcome to the family!



Hey…. Is it cool if I talk here? I'm pan and genderfluid.

Hello. I'm Alina, and I'm… confused, I guess.

Hey new peeps, great to meet you! I'm Euric, I'm pan and I'm questioning my gender, so you can use whatever pronouns make you most comfortable with how you see me. If you ever need to talk or have questions about something, my PMs are always open to everyone!

Deleted user

Hey…. Is it cool if I talk here? I'm pan and genderfluid.

Hello. I'm Alina, and I'm… confused, I guess.

Hey new peeps, great to meet you! I'm Euric, I'm pan and I'm questioning my gender, so you can use whatever pronouns make you most comfortable with how you see me. If you ever need to talk or have questions about something, my PMs are always open to everyone!

Hello! Nice to meet you as well!

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Hey…. Is it cool if I talk here? I'm pan and genderfluid.

Hello. I'm Alina, and I'm… confused, I guess.

Hey new peeps, great to meet you! I'm Euric, I'm pan and I'm questioning my gender, so you can use whatever pronouns make you most comfortable with how you see me. If you ever need to talk or have questions about something, my PMs are always open to everyone!

Hello! Nice to meet you as well!

Hello! It's nice to meet you.