forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I’m at school now, so I guess I’m alright. At least I’m at school again, I did miss a week of school.

@Kanaroli group

Hey everyone, so I know I'm rarely ever on here but I might have some time this week since I'll be out of school and in Maryland. But I don't know how often I'll be able to get on since the wifi at the hotel might be slow or my family will be out a lot, so I just wanna say thank you for the support! It's given me a lot of hope that my family will be okay!


Update: I found a tortoise, and I built a damn table. I bought the tortoise from a reptile shop that's 2 hours from me, and I built a table out of a bookshelf. My life is complete, I can die peacefully now.

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what in the heck is teghan's

at least i'm not the only one.

Make that three…


what in the heck is teghan's

at least i'm not the only one.

I'm pretty ure the entire chat stopped because none of us could figure out what "teghan's" is

Deleted user

what in the heck is teghan's

I want to know as well, what is this teghan you speak of?