forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Why the thanks? I didn't do anything…

Idk some of my friends are like really confused by that because they’re like all really excited for very intimate relationships and I just want a nice fluffy serious relationship that makes me feel safe and loved that’s all. I don’t see sex as a necessity for a deep connection, and people just find that odd and confusing. So idk. It’s just nice to affirmation instead of ‘sure okay if that’s what you want’

@Becfromthedead group

Security and love truly are what matter most in a more serious relationship. It doesn't matter how your friends or society feels about physical intimacy. If you want love that lasts, you should have a deep connection (which is not formed through sex… like sure, it can strengthen the bond of an already-happy couple if everyone consents, but you may not need or want it, and that's okay and makes more than enough sense).
But yeah, I don't get why everyone thinks it's literal magic… because it's not. I have known couples to stay together purely because physical reasons, and usually they're not very happy together or bounce back and forth between new partners. You should never have to feel out of place for not wanting to get physical.
I hope you find that happy, safe, loving relationship you're looking for. You absolutely deserve that kind of love and happiness.


heyyyy @shuri since that one rp with Hakai and Byron seemed to die would you be adverse to making a one on one?

Not at all! I actually prefer 1/1s for fluff…

On the other hand… The party was great!!!

I keep posting at the most random times lol

but remind me and I'll make a one on one tomorrow, or you can do it, whichever works