forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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There’s a trip to France through my school but my parents said that they don’t know if they wanna send me to Fance next year or buy me a car this year but they can’t do both. We just don’t have the money for that. We don’t really have the money for one…

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Well, hallways aren't the nicest. Okay, so my dad dropped me and my siblings off LITERALLY THREE MINUTES BEFORE WE HAD TO GET TO CLASS!! So, running through the halls, trying to get to class on time, and the EFFING BELL RINGS!! Anyways, I'm running past the offices, and Ms. F (I'm not giving away her real name, sorry.) calls me in. So I reluctantly walk in, answer a few questions for this weird mental health IEP testing thingy or whatever, and because Ms. F is a goddess and I really should stop taking her generosity for granted, she writes me a hall pass. So I'm late as hell, but it won't go on my permanent record! Yay! Because, like, I'm always super freakin' late. It's a really bad habit. I really need to stop. Seriously. But yeah, that's how my morning has been. How are y'all?


My Grandad had to get his entire colon removed and his leg amputated, so my entire family and I are really worried.

oh my god i'm so sorry.. I hope he get's better, really. If there's anything I can do just let me know…