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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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How do you know if a male likes you romantically

Um… Well… If I like someone romantically I'll get conflicted about whether to avoid them or stay by their side… And I'll try my best to help them…


Okay so this dude I’m friends with has been watching out for me, and texting me first all the time. Like the first few weeks of school (when he came back and bragged about how he lost his virginity to some chic whose name started with an A, but from what I gathered it was just a one time thing with very little emotional connection but idk for sure) and then he said, kinda unprompted after a few minutes off the subject that he likes to date girls whose names start with A because his starts with Z and it’s funny (and My name is Abrie, so…) and I was the only A name in the room at the time. And he didn’t specify afterward that he wasn’t talking about me or anything so idk. He asked for my number (I did loose my phone tho and I asked my crush at the time to call it for me and then this guy was like I don’t have your number, can I have your number? And I was like yeah ok). I was in the art room with my teacher and one other girl and he popped in from the middle storage room that connects the two rooms just to check in with me and afterward my art teacher was like ‘omg is this a thing? 😙’ what do you guys think


Just ask if he likes you… If he says yeah, then that's that… If he says no then you can say that you were just wondering on account of all the stuff going on between you or say it was a rumor…


Just ask if he likes you… If he says yeah, then that's that… If he says no then you can say that you were just wondering on account of all the stuff going on between you or say it was a rumor…

My friend asked him and he said no but idk that feels like a lie. Hypothetically, if your friend asked if you liked them and you didn’t in that way, would you then be weirded out or not?

@Becfromthedead group

My gut feeling says he's interested, but also that he's not interested in a relationship with much depth (based on what you've said about him)… And that's okay, but if you're not the type who wants to date around or have a little fling, he's not good for you. And if he says he doesn't like you especially, just tread carefully. There's nothing wrong with being friends. Just tread through the situation carefully and you should be okay. Although question: how do you feel about him?
(Also when I say interested, he may be interested in more than romance.)


Well… Back when I was a sophmore… friend apparently had a crush on me and I figured it out after a while… Of course he was still in the closet… But he asked me out anyway… Now at the time I didn't really find dudes very attractive… So I had to reject him (we're still good friends now) but I gave him a kiss (with tongue because I was being nice) to remember the day by… Although he got really lovesick around me because of that and couldn't be around me for a few days… Back then it was very dramatic… But looking back we find it funny…


My gut feeling says he's interested, but also that he's not interested in a relationship with much depth (based on what you've said about him)… And that's okay, but if you're not the type who wants to date around or have a little fling, he's not good for you. And if he says he doesn't like you especially, just tread carefully. There's nothing wrong with being friends. Just tread through the situation carefully and you should be okay. Although question: how do you feel about him?
(Also when I say interested, he may be interested in more than romance.)

That sounds right.


My gut feeling says he's interested, but also that he's not interested in a relationship with much depth (based on what you've said about him)… And that's okay, but if you're not the type who wants to date around or have a little fling, he's not good for you. And if he says he doesn't like you especially, just tread carefully. There's nothing wrong with being friends. Just tread through the situation carefully and you should be okay. Although question: how do you feel about him?
(Also when I say interested, he may be interested in more than romance.)

Like, if he asked me out, straight up, i’d say yes.

BUT: I have 0 interest in a sexually interment relationship with anybody, so if he isn’t down for that, then I would not go out with him or break up with him if we were already together when the question arose. A lot of people think that’s weird idk. I just don’t want that. I just want to be with someone who cares and someone I can be honest with (and cuddle. I like to cuddle.)