forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I just don’t get how some people can be out to people at their school and not to their parents. Like are you not afraid that someone’s gonna either not know and unintentionally out you or out you on purpose and be a dick

my parents dont know my school friends because im in college so I dont really have to worry about that anymore.


my parents can kick me out for being pan, school can't.

Literally me.

@ moxie my parents don't interact that much with people at my school, so the chances of them outing me are small, and I could probably pass it off as a joke/lie. The marginal chance of them finding out is, in my opinion, not worth having to hide from my friends, although I completely understand how it may be different for other people.


Okay this isn't relevant to the current conversation but I need someone to rant to.
I have this group chat with two other friends. Today, one of my friends (one of my many crushes) decided to say that he loved me (platonically). My other friend didn't get the "platonic" part and asked if we were dating. It was super awkwardly because I heckin wish we were dating, but I'm not about to go tell him that.
Anyway, that's it.

@HighPockets group

I just don’t get how some people can be out to people at their school and not to their parents. Like are you not afraid that someone’s gonna either not know and unintentionally out you or out you on purpose and be a dick

Yeah same. I really wanna come out to my drama club but I'm afraid one of them will be talking to me and just casually mention it and someone from my church will overhear, or my parents.


I think I figured out some of the layers to the reasons why this whole thing with a now ex-friend of mine is bothering me so much. He touched a lot of deeply rooted stuff and now my tree of life, so to speak, is freaking out because everything it’s built on was disrupted.


I think I'm good for now. I don't have any math today (thank god), I just have an essay to correct and a small article to write. funnnnn

@Becfromthedead group

Oof… I'm trying to email this professor to make sure I'm not at risk of being booted out of pre-health. I've missed every meeting this semester because they always happen during one of my classes, and I don't know anything about what the hell she wants us to do. There's this online course, but so much of it looks foreign- like things we don't need to worry about until later college years. The path to med school is the stupidest thing. I think we should be able to do that on skill alone, and not how many hoops we jump through… It makes me so sad. Like… smarts and will to do well should be the only factors. I'm stressed… I have a resume but it's weak… There's something that's supposedly due tomorrow, but I can't find it on the page.

@Becfromthedead group

There's not really anything anyone can do except for me. I just have to be tactful in this email… I heard this professor is really nice and understanding… so maybe she'll cut me a little slack. More than anything, I kinda want to knock something over because this whole process pisses me off.

@Becfromthedead group

My roomate came back, and we've been talking about it (she's pre-health too). I feel a lot better now, especially since we've agreed to help each other out along the way.