forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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whats fluff?

It's like the day in english class with simon and bram like cute little stuff in writing, like hugging and cuddling and stuff

@Moxie group

:(( Sorry

I loooove Love, Simon and Simon vs the homosapiens agenda. I actually wasn't too mad about the movie adaption it was pretty good.


Watan grabbed Siegfried by the shoulder, hauling him around the corner of the Headmage Plaza. Siegfried stammered, squirming.
"Damn you, Siegfried!" He shouted, shoving the other rudely ahead of himself. "We made Virgil a promise!" He added, huffing.
Siegfried scoffed, scowling, misty-eyed.
"All I'm saying… Is that… W-Watan, there's no way we can find his father! It's illogical at best-" He was cut off, falling limp as Watan grabbed him, nearly ragdolling him around.
"Are you calling me an idiot!?!" Watan yelled, glaring daggers into his friend's soul.
"No! I'm calling you irrational!" Siegfried blurted out, biting his tongue after.
"And I'm calling you heartless!" Watan countered back.
More silence, as Siegfried's misty gaze wavered. Watan couldn't stand to see him like this, angry as he was. He sighed.
"Look, all I'm saying, is that we made a promise, it's our obligation to keep it, okay? Even if his dad is one of the Seven Sorrows!"
Seigfried regained himself.
"But we might never find him. Watan, we're searching for a god…" He explained.
"Then we'll spend our lives looking… No matter what…" Watan said, with dead certainty in his expression.
Siegfried sighed.
"Okay…" He assented.
"We've conquered similar odds, friend…" Watan said, his usual fluffy demeanor regained. He sighed. "And… I'm sorry for being so pushy, it…" He hesitated. "It was my mistake…" He added.
"It's okay, we did make a promise…" Seigfried admitted, with a small grin.
They hugged, Siegfried buried his face in Watan's shoulder, trying not to tear up.
"Go ahead, Sieg, you deserve it." Watan encouraged, as Siegfried was wracked with small weeping…
"You're such a damn crybaby…" Watan teased, misty eyed, his own voice shaky. He grimaced as he received an elbow to the ribs.
They chuckled together.

@Becfromthedead group

I still need to see it… I heard it was really good, but my parents are anti-LGBT+, so I'm not really able to watch it in my own home… I could've seen it at the theatre, but I didn't have anyone to go with. Or I did, but she went with another friend group.