forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

On the topic of dating, well….a girl I really like is going to the Yule Ball with me…but another girl I also like might be too…and they're friends…but idk I'll go and maybe come out to someone there!
I'm going with those two girls, another bi girl I know, and a church friend who's pretty chill about sexuality stuff.


I have a few straight characters but that's because my storyline is exclusively about turning concepts on their heads

that and like 90% of the main characters are supernatural beings that give no fucks about what the world thinks about their sexualities

@HighPockets group

I just have most of mine set in a dystopia where people care more about how to stop corrupt governments than about who likes who.

It pisses me off that so many authors have the opportunity to make societies where homophobia/sexism/racism/anything else isn't a thing, and yet make terribly sexist societies anyways.


ikr? I promised myself I'd make as diverse a world as possible so I have things like:
the goddess of life being the main villain
the goddess of love is very dark skinned and a bit chubby
one of the main characters is a genderfluid archangel
most of the male characters are gay for each other
I actually have the male to female ration pretty even (with a couple nb/agender characters in there, of course)
the twin god(desses) of technology are both agender-feminine and ace

and there's more where that came from, it'd just take me forever to write them all down lol

Deleted user

When people here say "My Notebook Crashed" you know what it means, right? Well, out of context, saying that with friends who have never heard of the site get really confused and it takes like, an hour to explain. Fun.


I'm shockingly not bad today because it is friday but I just had a math test that I'm pretty sure I failed and I'm freaking out about it

@Becfromthedead group

Ayyy I just got out of a math test too. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep and this unit was the hardest one so far. I think I passed, but there go my chances of an A…

@HighPockets group

ikr? I promised myself I'd make as diverse a world as possible so I have things like:
the goddess of life being the main villain
the goddess of love is very dark skinned and a bit chubby
one of the main characters is a genderfluid archangel
most of the male characters are gay for each other
I actually have the male to female ration pretty even (with a couple nb/agender characters in there, of course)
the twin god(desses) of technology are both agender-feminine and ace

and there's more where that came from, it'd just take me forever to write them all down lol

Yeah I have a pretty balanced male to female ratio as well, some nice romances (both gay and straight ones), characters who have had past relationships who aren't ridiculed.

@HighPockets group

One of my favorite characters is Queen Adalia of Ehre, because she's a bi WOC who's dying but she doesn't let that stop her from being a badass. (She has a TB like illness that will eventually kill her, so she tries to do everything she can with her life.)
And she swears a lot. I love her so much.