forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

On the topic of dating, well….a girl I really like is going to the Yule Ball with me…but another girl I also like might be too…and they're friends…but idk I'll go and maybe come out to someone there!
I'm going with those two girls, another bi girl I know, and a church friend who's pretty chill about sexuality stuff.


No it's later in December.


On the topic of dating, well….a girl I really like is going to the Yule Ball with me…but another girl I also like might be too…and they're friends…but idk I'll go and maybe come out to someone there!
I'm going with those two girls, another bi girl I know, and a church friend who's pretty chill about sexuality stuff.


No it's later in December.

oh okay……… for a second I thought you might go to the same school as me even though my brain also kinda knew you didnt….I feel slightly delusional as im running off of little sleep, coffee, stress and my ADHD as a form of energy lolololool……. my brain is fried rt now

@HighPockets group

On the topic of dating, well….a girl I really like is going to the Yule Ball with me…but another girl I also like might be too…and they're friends…but idk I'll go and maybe come out to someone there!
I'm going with those two girls, another bi girl I know, and a church friend who's pretty chill about sexuality stuff.


No it's later in December.

oh okay……… for a second I thought you might go to the same school as me even though my brain also kinda knew you didnt….I feel slightly delusional as im running off of little sleep, coffee, stress and my ADHD as a form of energy lolololool……. my brain is fried rt now

Lol no problem, I've used my ADD and some coffee as an energy source before.


Ive been thinking a lot on the subject of coming out lately and Ive decided that i'm definitely NOT coming out to my dad, sister, or even my mom as Aro or Ace because I JUST KNOW that they will dismiss my Aromanticism and Asexuality as “just me being autistic’” and say that i'll find the one or fall in love one day or say that someone will come along who will fix that and that’s kindof really hard for me to come to terms with. Like it's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I know that they will NEVER just accept my feelings as my own because I don't think they quite understand the idea of my Autism being as much a part of who I am as my eye color or hair or love of stories. My Autism doesnt change me, I wouldnt be the same person that i am right now if in the next second my Autism suddenly ‘disappeared’ or something. Like my Autism is an intrinsic part of me and yeah, it explains my feelings, BUT MY AUTISM CAUSING MY FEELINGS OR LACK THEREOF SHOULDNT INVALIDATE THE FACT THAT I DO OR DON'T FEEL THOSE THINGS!!! Like, those are still my feelings. DOes it really matter why I feel the way I do? Can't they just respect the fact that I feel/ don't feel certain things and not try to justify it as oh… you don't feel that and are broken like that because you are also broken in this way. LIKE ALKHDGKJAFBKGLABSDJGBIEFJBGJBDJKBGSISJBIFBSDGIBDFJBIU JUST WHAT?? WHY DO YOU SO BADLY WANT TO LABEL ME AS BROKEN???? WHY CAN'T YOU BE HAPPY THAT IVE ACCEPTED HOW I DON'T FEEL THINGS AND FOUND A GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT I CAN CONNECT WITH??

end rant


I can sympathize with you… You don't need to come out, just play the "high standards" game, or the "nobody is my type" game whenever they ask you… And lately I've been on the fence about telling my family about Dante, so… Yeah…

@HighPockets group

Ive been thinking a lot on the subject of coming out lately and Ive decided that i'm definitely NOT coming out to my dad, sister, or even my mom as Aro or Ace because I JUST KNOW that they will dismiss my Aromanticism and Asexuality as “just me being autistic’” and say that i'll find the one or fall in love one day or say that someone will come along who will fix that and that’s kindof really hard for me to come to terms with. Like it's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I know that they will NEVER just accept my feelings as my own because I don't think they quite understand the idea of my Autism being as much a part of who I am as my eye color or hair or love of stories. My Autism doesnt change me, I wouldnt be the same person that i am right now if in the next second my Autism suddenly ‘disappeared’ or something. Like my Autism is an intrinsic part of me and yeah, it explains my feelings, BUT MY AUTISM CAUSING MY FEELINGS OR LACK THEREOF SHOULDNT INVALIDATE THE FACT THAT I DO OR DON'T FEEL THOSE THINGS!!! Like, those are still my feelings. DOes it really matter why I feel the way I do? Can't they just respect the fact that I feel/ don't feel certain things and not try to justify it as oh… you don't feel that and are broken like that because you are also broken in this way. LIKE ALKHDGKJAFBKGLABSDJGBIEFJBGJBDJKBGSISJBIFBSDGIBDFJBIU JUST WHAT?? WHY DO YOU SO BADLY WANT TO LABEL ME AS BROKEN???? WHY CAN'T YOU BE HAPPY THAT IVE ACCEPTED HOW I DON'T FEEL THINGS AND FOUND A GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT I CAN CONNECT WITH??

end rant


Deleted user

I just found out one of my friends hates me. And she's so quiet I didn't even know till her sister told me.

That sucks… I’m very sorry for you…

@Moxie group

I just found out one of my friends hates me. And she's so quiet I didn't even know till her sister told me.

I'm so sorry my darling…. Is there anything we can do?

I don’t think so but thanks for the offer

@HighPockets group

On a positive note, I found a new Star Wars book today called 'Women of the Galaxy' that's about….you know, I bet you can guess by the title. Anyways, all of the artwork is done by female and nonbinary artists, and the art is really good! Even if you're not into Star Wars, I recommend checking it out!

Deleted user

On a positive note, I found a new Star Wars book today called 'Women of the Galaxy' that's about….you know, I bet you can guess by the title. Anyways, all of the artwork is done by female and nonbinary artists, and the art is really good! Even if you're not into Star Wars, I recommend checking it out!

I just checked this out, and the art is INCREDIBLE.

I also recommend checking it out! A lot of art is available when you just look it up.

Deleted user

Help I’m at a party full of straight people and it’s so awkward

Lol at least you didn’t get an accidental crush on someone who is Asexual. cries

@-Love, Blue

Help I’m at a party full of straight people and it’s so awkward

Lol at least you didn’t get an accidental crush on someone who is Asexual. cries

At least I don’t have a crush on a straight idiot that WEARS GLASSES

Deleted user

Help I’m at a party full of straight people and it’s so awkward

Lol at least you didn’t get an accidental crush on someone who is Asexual. cries


That’s meee

Deleted user

Help I’m at a party full of straight people and it’s so awkward

Lol at least you didn’t get an accidental crush on someone who is Asexual. cries


That’s meee

You remember that don’t you Emi? AHHHHH ded