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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Well I just finished my homework. (oh and that math test that I thought I failed…I did. I got a 68% and only like three problems right)


I'm over here procrastinating on a 10-ish page paper that decides whether I graduate from this hellhole or not…

But I do have some reasons why I'm taking so long


I'm over here procrastinating on a 10-ish page paper that decides whether I graduate from this hellhole or not…


You need help?

I legit have no thesis statement so searches and quotes have to be a bit generalized…
I also keep getting triggered every half hour or so because it's a bit personal.

Basically: Conventional cancer cures/treatments vs. Alternative cancer cures/treatments. American Government is making butt tons of money by getting sick people sicker by using chemo and radiation, capitalizing on the fact that most alternatives have been made illegal and banned those practicioneers through the FDA.


Fair point… I have 4 body paragraphs planned out so far, one of which is counter arguments and refutations… so basically a synthesis essay is what I have so far…


Ethics could be a bit wibbly wobbly with the people who will be reading the final draft… I'm sticking as close to logos as I can but I will incorporate pathos as well to pull at their heart strings a bit (they're gonna members of the community, which means there is a high likelihood they know about my situation)

@Becfromthedead group

In my local high schools, anything below a 70 was failing, so the idea of a 60 being passing is wild to me. It's different in college though, and I think 60+ is passing for us. I still try to keep all A's, and B's are okay, too, but that's only because of med school… Otherwise, I'd be happy to proclaim that C's get degrees and I probably wouldn't try quite as hard. It's stressful, to say the least. And for all that being told that we're more than a number, I sure don't feel like I am.


Ethics could be a bit wibbly wobbly with the people who will be reading the final draft… I'm sticking as close to logos as I can but I will incorporate pathos as well to pull at their heart strings a bit (they're gonna members of the community, which means there is a high likelihood they know about my situation)

That's good… If you need material, it'll work… Best to use a combo of all three so you can stretch it out better!


Also, Red, that's a really interesting topic, and I had no idea that was a problem. Good luck getting it written! I'm sure it'll be great!

It's a big problem… American greed is stopping people from getting the help they deserve and sometimes making it worse…


Also, Red, that's a really interesting topic, and I had no idea that was a problem. Good luck getting it written! I'm sure it'll be great!

Yeah… I wouldn't have known this was a problem either if it wasn't for this stupid paper…
Thank you, Bec. I'll try to make it as great as you're hoping for.


it's really stupid but yesterday I was having a private conversation with my dad, I was telling him about my day and how stressed I was, and I mentioned that my grandma had taken potatoes into her room and then brought them all back and I thought it was weird
so fast forward to this morning, my grandma is super snappy with me and keeps yelling at me for no reason. Then she says "why did you tell your dad that I stole all of your potatoes?" and I was just like ????????? I never said that?????? and there was no way she could've heard me talking to him about the potatoes anyway??????
it turns out that my sister was listening to me and my dad's entire conversation, and that she told my grandma I stole potatoes when I never. Fucking. Said that.
My sister probably misunderstood me, but that doesn't matter, because she should have the decency to not listen to other people's private conversations and then tell people what was said and twist their words. I tried to tell my sister that it was wrong of her to do that and then my grandma started yelling at me, saying I can't yell at my sister for telling the truth, and then told me to get the hell out of her room.
So yeah I just woke up and my day is already fucked.

Deleted user

Sends chocolates and a shoe to your location
Hit her over the head with the shoe for me.