forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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It means I'm the special snowflake…
(I don't mean that offensively, just so you know… I know it's been used in bad ways…)

Yeah me to. So is my uncle for some reason…

Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…

Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…


Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…


Oh shit Emi you still haven’t met my dad yet! Or did you…

Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…


Oh shit Emi you still haven’t met my dad yet! Or did you…

I have

Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…


Oh shit Emi you still haven’t met my dad yet! Or did you…

I have

Doesn’t he look lik Jesus if he had black hair?

Deleted user

Is it also weird that my dad kind of looks like Jesus? He has the longhair but it’s black, the awesome mustache and beard, and is also religious…


Oh shit Emi you still haven’t met my dad yet! Or did you…

I have

Doesn’t he look lik Jesus if he had black hair?


@HighPockets group

Hey I was on Booktube today and one of the videos I watched was talking about upcoming books and there's one set for next June called I Wish You All The Best and it has a nonbinary MC and it's ownvoices rep!


I have a call back tomorrow during lunch and I’m really nervous because I’ve been working really hard to get ready for it: warm ups, learning the words, the tune, then changing technique where needed, changing vowels to be easier to sing, then resting so I don’t strain. I’m planning on warming up in the morning before I leave for school so that I don’t have to try to warm up completely in the ~10 minutes I have before the callback starts. I’m really nervous, guys 😖


You can do it! Don't overdo it, drink water, no caffeine or dairy until after you're done (if you didn't know already that is). Good luck!

I didn’t know about the caffeine or dairy thing, but that is good to know!! I’ll try to remember to bring my water bottle tomorrow and drink a lot in the morning so it has time to reach my vocal folds.


Break a leg!! I'm sure you'll do great!! What part is the callback for?

Fiddler. The director called back a lot of girls that I know are really talented, so clearly he liked what I did in my audition. I’m thinking it’s for one of the bigger (or at least specifically named) parts, which is super exciting for me, because I’ve only ever been ensemble

@HighPockets group

Break a leg!! I'm sure you'll do great!! What part is the callback for?

Fiddler. The director called back a lot of girls that I know are really talented, so clearly he liked what I did in my audition. I’m thinking it’s for one of the bigger (or at least specifically named) parts, which is super exciting for me, because I’ve only ever been ensemble

Cool! I'm working on Matchmaker, Matchmaker in my voice lessons rn!!


Break a leg!! I'm sure you'll do great!! What part is the callback for?

Fiddler. The director called back a lot of girls that I know are really talented, so clearly he liked what I did in my audition. I’m thinking it’s for one of the bigger (or at least specifically named) parts, which is super exciting for me, because I’ve only ever been ensemble

Cool! I'm working on Matchmaker, Matchmaker in my voice lessons rn!!

Thanks cool! I had Far From The Home I Love as a practice song once.

@Moxie group

I got cast in Bye Bye Birdie at a community theatre near my school (which is really exciting cause my school only does one play a year and I haven't done a musical in literally 6 years cause the director at my school doesn't believe in musicals). But I was doing it with my friend and we got cast as the same part (there's two casts) but we're in separate casts. Which means I gonna have to . . . talk to people. I don't know. And I saw a couple of cool-looking people at callbacks but they're all in her cast. aaaahhhhsjdsjjfldkgklpeopllllleee