forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

I got cast in Bye Bye Birdie at a community theatre near my school (which is really exciting cause my school only does one play a year and I haven't done a musical in literally 6 years cause the director at my school doesn't believe in musicals). But I was doing it with my friend and we got cast as the same part (there's two casts) but we're in separate casts. Which means I gonna have to . . . talk to people. I don't know. And I saw a couple of cool-looking people at callbacks but they're all in her cast. aaaahhhhsjdsjjfldkgklpeopllllleee

Ooooh, I love BBB!!! I was in it in 7th grade. I was a teen in Telephone Hour, a reporter in Fine Upstanding Patriotic Healthy Normal American Boy, and a mom in Honestly Sincere (my favorite sing in the show!!), Kids, and Rosie. It was really fun!!! Just….your hair….it will probably not be fun to comb out.


I can't believe I have to go to school everyday to hear all the stupid ass kids around me saying things like "I'm so depressed" Or "I want to kill myself." Or "this class makes me so depressed" or pretending to shoot themselves or using homosexuality as a joke/insult. It pisses me off but I can't do anything about it because those kids are still assholes and will keep doing it to impress each other. (all these phrases being used as jokes)
It especially hurts when its someone whos heard you rant about this but does it anyway.

Yeah. Me and a few of my friends, one of which is not straight but I'm not sure what she is, eat lunch by a few guys like that. I almost slapped one today for stealing a car and ignoring my friend and I telling him it was for someone DESPITE HIM KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT US 4 SIT THERE EVERY DAMN DAY! It just URGH!!!!!

Yeah, people are idiots. Tbh I don't understand how you don't realize that depression is a thing. Like, an actual thing. Are they that stupid? Are they not educated? Do they not hear about the countless suicides of kids our age and think whoa I should stop doing that? Do they not live in the real world?

@HighPockets group

I can't believe I have to go to school everyday to hear all the stupid ass kids around me saying things like "I'm so depressed" Or "I want to kill myself." Or "this class makes me so depressed" or pretending to shoot themselves or using homosexuality as a joke/insult. It pisses me off but I can't do anything about it because those kids are still assholes and will keep doing it to impress each other. (all these phrases being used as jokes)
It especially hurts when its someone whos heard you rant about this but does it anyway.

Yeah. Me and a few of my friends, one of which is not straight but I'm not sure what she is, eat lunch by a few guys like that. I almost slapped one today for stealing a car and ignoring my friend and I telling him it was for someone DESPITE HIM KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT US 4 SIT THERE EVERY DAMN DAY! It just URGH!!!!!

Yeah, people are idiots. Tbh I don't understand how you don't realize that depression is a thing. Like, an actual thing. Are they that stupid? Are they not educated? Do they not hear about the countless suicides of kids our age and think whoa I should stop doing that? Do they not live in the real world?

Yeah chair lol.
Like, there are kids in my grade who have attempted suicide, how the fuck can you be so blind as to not realize it???


yeah, I know somebody who genuinely believes that most mental illnesses are just issues with immaturity and that people with mental illnesses weren't raised right and that they should be able to learn how to be normal…

Deleted user

Anyone want to hear the extreme bullshit I went through this morning besides not having notebook for 5 hours?


I can't believe I have to go to school everyday to hear all the stupid ass kids around me saying things like "I'm so depressed" Or "I want to kill myself." Or "this class makes me so depressed" or pretending to shoot themselves or using homosexuality as a joke/insult. It pisses me off but I can't do anything about it because those kids are still assholes and will keep doing it to impress each other. (all these phrases being used as jokes)
It especially hurts when its someone whos heard you rant about this but does it anyway.

Yeah. Me and a few of my friends, one of which is not straight but I'm not sure what she is, eat lunch by a few guys like that. I almost slapped one today for stealing a car and ignoring my friend and I telling him it was for someone DESPITE HIM KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT US 4 SIT THERE EVERY DAMN DAY! It just URGH!!!!!

Yeah, people are idiots. Tbh I don't understand how you don't realize that depression is a thing. Like, an actual thing. Are they that stupid? Are they not educated? Do they not hear about the countless suicides of kids our age and think whoa I should stop doing that? Do they not live in the real world?

Yeah chair lol.
Like, there are kids in my grade who have attempted suicide, how the fuck can you be so blind as to not realize it???

exactly. They're literally blind to the world around them. If they don't stop doing it soon i'm going to give them shit about it and hope they realize what they're doing.


I can say, from experience, that no one will mind you calling them out on their shit and will probaly support you and be happy that you called them out.


I can say, from experience, that no one will mind you calling them out on their shit and will probaly support you and be happy that you called them out.

actually you have a really good point. Anytime anyone in my class gets in trouble they just laugh about it.


I can say, from experience, that no one will mind you calling them out on their shit and will probaly support you and be happy that you called them out.

actually you have a really good point. Anytime anyone in my class gets in trouble they just laugh about it.

exactly, it's the same sort of idea. people will laugh it off and appreciate that you said something because im sure that there are others thinking the exact same thing that are too afraid to say something


I can say, from experience, that no one will mind you calling them out on their shit and will probably support you and be happy that you called them out.

actually you have a really good point. Anytime anyone in my class gets in trouble they just laugh about it.

exactly, it's the same sort of idea. people will laugh it off and appreciate that you said something because im sure that there are others thinking the exact same thing that are too afraid to say something

I know there are people that agree with me that won't say anything. I just get so so mad at those kids that make those kind of jokes

Deleted user

Me: Saltily enters room. Yeah sorry about the leaving without you thing Grandmother.

@HighPockets group

I can't believe I have to go to school everyday to hear all the stupid ass kids around me saying things like "I'm so depressed" Or "I want to kill myself." Or "this class makes me so depressed" or pretending to shoot themselves or using homosexuality as a joke/insult. It pisses me off but I can't do anything about it because those kids are still assholes and will keep doing it to impress each other. (all these phrases being used as jokes)
It especially hurts when its someone whos heard you rant about this but does it anyway.

Yeah. Me and a few of my friends, one of which is not straight but I'm not sure what she is, eat lunch by a few guys like that. I almost slapped one today for stealing a car and ignoring my friend and I telling him it was for someone DESPITE HIM KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT US 4 SIT THERE EVERY DAMN DAY! It just URGH!!!!!

Yeah, people are idiots. Tbh I don't understand how you don't realize that depression is a thing. Like, an actual thing. Are they that stupid? Are they not educated? Do they not hear about the countless suicides of kids our age and think whoa I should stop doing that? Do they not live in the real world?

Yeah chair lol.
Like, there are kids in my grade who have attempted suicide, how the fuck can you be so blind as to not realize it???

exactly. They're literally blind to the world around them. If they don't stop doing it soon i'm going to give them shit about it and hope they realize what they're doing.

I agree. I mean, I tend to hang out with the theatre kids, writer kids, and kids that don't really have a 'group' so a lot are LGBTQA+ and/or have mental illnesses, so we do make jokes about how much life sucks, but like…self-deprecating and if something does seem wrong, we talk about it. Unlike the jocks who make gay jokes because they 'can'.


Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?


Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?

I actually do that all of the time and I've had some straight people get really pissed off at me for it, but it makes a lot of my friends laugh bc they know what I'm trying to do. Now one of my straight friends actually says it sometimes lol


Show everyone compassion, you guys… Malicious intent may break bones, but compassion softens the heart, OK?

oof I'm an angry child and I suck at compassion, there's no hope for me lmao

@HighPockets group

Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?

One of the teachers at my school was giving a lesson and a boy interrupts and goes "What's your husband's name?" and she went "I don't have a husband, I have a wife." and then just keep teaching like nothing happened. #Iconic.


Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?

One of the teachers at my school was giving a lesson and a boy interrupts and goes "What's your husband's name?" and she went "I don't have a husband, I have a wife." and then just keep teaching like nothing happened. #Iconic.

that's amazing.


Hey, would anybody read the prologue to something I'm writing if I posted it here? It's pretty vague, but it's the beginning of an FMA fic(yeah I write fanfic not the smutty kind I promise). And by "pretty vague" I mean it's two original characters that won't really be a part of the plot most of the time arguing.

Deleted user

Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?

One of the teachers at my school was giving a lesson and a boy interrupts and goes "What's your husband's name?" and she went "I don't have a husband, I have a wife." and then just keep teaching like nothing happened. #Iconic.

that's amazing.


@-Love, Blue

Can we please do a thing where anytime someone makes a "thats so gay" or "ha, you're so gay" Joke, a select few of us go "Oh my god, that's so straight." And just laugh really loudly so they know what it feels like?

One of the teachers at my school was giving a lesson and a boy interrupts and goes "What's your husband's name?" and she went "I don't have a husband, I have a wife." and then just keep teaching like nothing happened. #Iconic.

that's amazing.


much wow


I would love to read it

It's just a rough draft, but it's what I have so far. It's self-insert and I feel like I'm going to get crapped on for that unless it's freaking awesome, so here we go…

Two creatures were arguing. To the human eye, they would appear to be fairies. The Tinkerbell kind, at least. Their size was, for the most part, unknowable, for nothing else occupied the space that they were in. One was a female, with red hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail. The other one was male, and his hair was strikingly black. The male was slightly taller than the female. They both had pale skin and startling blue eyes, though they were startling for different reasons. The redhead’s eyes were bright, bright blue, like the sky over the Grand Canyon. Her companion’s were dark–they almost looked black–and seemed to have small galaxies swimming within them. Their outfits were rather different than what one would assume from fairies, as well. The female wore a simple blue tank top and white shorts, revealing that she was certainly in shape. Her shoes were darker blue and orange tennis shoes. The male’s outfit consisted of blues and blacks. A black button-down shirt was open over a dark blue tee-shirt–both of which had tears in the back so that his wings could peek through–and black jeans dissappeared into high blue boots only a shade lighter than his eyes. The boots were adorned with gold zippers and buckles.

“Yume, you’re absolutely insane! You can’t really be implying–” The redheaded fairy was cut off by the other, who held a hand up and feigned injury.

“I know, it must sound utterly mad to you, but Kibo, just hear me out–” Yume’s voice seemed to have a British accent to it. Not that it mattered, as Kibo continued to plow onwards.

“Yeah, it does! It’s absolutely freaking nuts! You expect me to be okay with you sending her into a different world?! She’s fourteen! No! You need me to spell it out for you?”

“I think I can handle a two letter–”

“N-O! Exclamation point!”

Yume sighed, looking down at his feet. “Kibo.” He looked up at the raging–and rightfully so, he might add–redhead. “I understand that this is crazy. Truly, I do. But…what else can we do now? With everything the way it is, neither of us exactly have a choice in the matter. You’ve seen the signs too, I know it. Besides,” Yume’s eyes glinted, a hint of something–humor? Hope, maybe?–shining through the starlike specks inside them. “We’ll give her an advantage. An ability.”

Kibo stopped, considering this. “An ability? What do you have in mind? Nothing too insane, though. We don’t want to push the balance more than it already is.” Kibo’s look was thoughtful, and she tilted her head to the side, curiosity on display. But she still had that blaze in her blue eyes that betrayed her stance on sending this…this child into a world that she would find completely alien.

The other fairy, however, grinned. “I was thinking we could leave that up to her. Just, you know, let her know that it can’t be too powerful.”

“Hm. It could work, actually. And the world that she’ll be visiting?” Hopefully it’s just a visit.

“Well, I suppose she could chose that one, too. Of course, it would have to be something relatively recent in her memory. That fantasy one she was just reading, the graphic novel about the changeling–”


“Right. That would be interesting to see, but I’d have to say that she likely won’t chose it. The anime she was watching seems more likely.” Yume shrugged. “Mortals. What are you going to do?”

Kibo furrowed her brow. “My Hero Academia? You really think so?”

“Ah, no. The other one. Fullmetal Alchemist. Probably the 2003 version; it seems to be her favorite.”

“Huh. And you think she’ll be able to make it through that? It’s a rough one, that’s for sure…”

Yume gave Kibo a grin. “She’s an author. Well, aspiring, anyway. Let’s see what she gives us to work with before we make any assumptions.”


I decided to go with Kibo and Yume for their names because I wanted something symbolic for them, and they mean hope and dreams respectively in Japanese(because it's an anime fic, of course I'll use Japanese. lol). Kibo symbolizes hope–hence her being fit and stuff, I figured that a lot of people hope to eventually reach that, I guess. Might be something that will get changed in the final draft. Yume is dreams, specifically not-so-realistic ones, and his physical appearance was meant to mirror that a little.

And yes, fairies. It makes a little more sense in the first chapter, when they're introduced to the main character.