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Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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ive heard from several places online that stubbing your toe hurts worse than breaking an arm, but I wouldnt know, ive never broken anything.
humans are weird


here's what hurts worst for me going from least pain to most pain

  • Getting bitten/scratched/cut
  • Getting burt (1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree, it doesn't matter it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should)
  • Getting bruised
  • Turning my lights/phone screen on after I just woke up
  • Satan himself raking his comb of rusty nails directly through my uterus
  • Stepping on a goat head


ive heard from several places online that stubbing your toe hurts worse than breaking an arm, but I wouldnt know, ive never broken anything.
humans are weird

That depends on the person…


here's what hurts worst for me on a scale of least pain to most pain

  • Getting bitten/scratched/cut
  • Getting burt (1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree, it doesn't matter it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should)
  • Getting bruised
  • Turning my lights/phone screen on after I just woke up
  • Satan himself raking his comb of rusty nails directly through my uterus
  • Stepping on a goat head

Interesting, you wanna hear mine?


here's what hurts worst for me on a scale of least pain to most pain

  • Getting bitten/scratched/cut
  • Getting burt (1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree, it doesn't matter it doesn't hurt as much as it probably should)
  • Getting bruised
  • Turning my lights/phone screen on after I just woke up
  • Satan himself raking his comb of rusty nails directly through my uterus
  • Stepping on a goat head

Interesting, you wanna hear mine?

sure lol


  • That time I accidentally got whacked in the back of the head by a baseball once…
  • Having to lift waaay more than my body could handle as a kid…
  • Getting kicked in the groin…
  • Getting pencilled kinda hurts…
  • Breaking bones…
  • Getting hit by a car once… It was wasn't too hard (and not my fault) though…
  • Getting nailed by my idiot (ex-)friend who was using a lighter and a can of cologne to make jets of fire like a knob…
  • Gonna have to go with turning my phone on after I wake up…
  • Getting cut, or stabbed.
  • Getting whacked in the back of the head by a piece of steel pipe…


Spraining my wrist twice.
2nd ear piercing.
Headbutting someone.
Stepping on a nail.
Fracturing my femur.
Having my feet literally covered in thistles and having to run.


Here's mine:
Broken finger
Cat bites
Really short nails
Head colds
Fucking feet warts

okay you know what's weird? Cat's biting you hard bc they're pissed off doesn't hurt me. But cat's biting softly bc they're happy hurts so much worse

@Becfromthedead group

Oof… I have like super low pain tolerance because I don't often have situations that cause it…
But I can say that regular old stubbing your toe is worse than breaking your toe… Of course, the duration of the pain is different. But on the top of my list in no particular order:
The headaches I had with meningitis
Having my mom drop her phone on my foot (it hit the base of the nail and separated one side of it from my toe and I hecking laid on the floor and cried for like 5 minutes it hurt so bad)
Actually breaking my toe (It hurt for a long time, but wasn't so bad…)
This weird pulled muscle or nerve problem or something in my upper back (not so much the intensity, but the pain type and duration)
My brother accidentally hitting me at the base of the fingernail with a hard plastic edge of something (injuries around the cuticle hurt sooooo much)


so umm….. I might've sat down and written a several page long poem about realising im Asexual and my experiences surrounding that.