forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Damn it!
My friend Ruby makes me really happy and apparently my face gets really red…


Also you find yourself looking at them a lot and being very aware of where they are, and it can be difficult to stop thinking about them, even when they're not around


Well, when I see her, I become happy
LIke, just seeing her will make me happiness
and then i get nervous and little flutters and i can't think
and they're just there and i just

Deleted user

Damn it!
My friend Ruby makes me really happy and apparently my face gets really red…


No, not "awwwww"
I'm confused and I don't even think she likes me, I'm not out to her anyhow!

@Moxie group

you're really happy around them and you may even go out of your way to be around the person even if they completely exasperate you
and talking to them makes you happy and smiley and blushing

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Don’t worry Lex, I felt the same about Emi before… I thought she would say no as well… but don’t say that to yourself! If you don’t tell her how you feel you’ll either regret it or never have the feelings gone, and this doesn’t mean it can ruin a friendship, I confessed to Destiny, she said no, and we are still good friends and are not awkward. Plus you can really weird out people by being all awkward and stuff…


Confused, sad, and tired Lex noises

I'd say take your time. Don't tell her until you're ready and sure you'll both be okay if she doesn't feel the same way. I did the same thing with a friend once, and although I felt a little awkward, it helped me move past it and we're cool now. But I took my time and made sure I was ready to tell them, that way I wouldn't bee to upset afterwards.


Yeah. I confessed to my crush a while ago and we're still really good friend and although I still have feelings, it makes me feel better that she already knows. I don't have to worry about what she'd say anymore which is just a relief to me.

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Yeah. I confessed to my crush a while ago and we're still really good friend and although I still have feelings, it makes me feel better that she already knows. I don't have to worry about what she'd say anymore which is just a relief to me.

I got told by my friend that my crush hated me

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I got told by my friend that my crush hated me

Thanks for making me feel better

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I had a guy crush before… it lasted more then half a school year. I found out he was using me for free drawings that were pretty shitty anyways.