forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I know its not a bad thing, its just not a thing that typically happens, im not a poetry writer really. and I wrote it in just an hour or so. its kinda cool, its just very unexpected.

also I feel you on the HW, I have finals coming up and projects and essays and stuff due…. its bad, its dead week, and I actually feel dead


Oh okay. That's good, then. Dunno about you, but writing helps me, and this could possibly help your writing skills as well as you? I'll just stop talking- it's kinda late and I just woke up and I'm still overwhelmed


You’re all good. Just do your best to finish everything. You should be fine. Try to section your larger assignments into chunks and tackle them one at a time. That should make the work more manageable and less overwhelming. Al least that’s what helps me.

Deleted user

Hey Arron! It's always nice to meet a fellow pansexual.

isn't it!

Deleted user

Hey Arron! It's always nice to meet a fellow pansexual.

isn't it!

Yes, hello fellow pansexual. Nice to meet you!


Yeah. Your mental health should always come before school bullshit, man. If anyone tells you otherwise then I'm gonna beat the shit out of them, okay? You need good health to be able to do your best on your assignments.

I hope you get more sleep tonight, or perhaps even take a nap too.

Deleted user

Hey Arron! It's always nice to meet a fellow pansexual.

isn't it!

Yes, hello fellow pansexual. Nice to meet you!

hello! nice to meet you too XD

Deleted user

guten tag! (sorry, i'm learning german) sorry i haven't been posting, some family trouble kinda took me away from the site

hallo. Wie gehts ihnen?


guten tag! (sorry, i'm learning german) sorry i haven't been posting, some family trouble kinda took me away from the site

hallo. Wie gehts ihnen?

sehr gut und dir?

Deleted user

guten tag! (sorry, i'm learning german) sorry i haven't been posting, some family trouble kinda took me away from the site

hallo. Wie gehts ihnen?

sehr gut und dir?

mmm…mir so lala


Well, it depends. You can get the typical butterflies in the stomach feeling, or sort of feel bubbly and happy when they're around, you can't think right and you get super nervous


little flutters in your stomach
your breath quickening slightly
flushing whenever you think of them or talk to them