forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@Ol1ve group

I was waiting so long for a Trumpie wumpie woo to get angry at me and it finally happened guys this is the best day of my life

Imagine having to wait for someone to get mad at you after you started the thing by getting pressed for someone to have a different opinion than you

@ClownB*tch eco

I was waiting so long for a Trumpie wumpie woo to get angry at me and it finally happened guys this is the best day of my life

Imagine having to wait for someone to get mad at you after you started the thing by getting pressed for someone to have a different opinion than you

Imagine being a Trumpie tho- like that's the highest form of stupidity lmao

@tungsten fastfood



They DMed me the usual far right shit and I'm quakign right now it's so good?>??>

They're hypnotized and I love it

I got "@/Ol1ve 1 minute ago
yk you guys and your protests are pretty much racist, the damn president can't speak, all democratic presidents within the past 20 years got Nobel peace prizes after attacking countries, trump got two impeachment trials after making peace with North Korea, Turkey, and so on. Harris is a fucking Fascist and only got attention by the color of her skin, y'all think all lives matter is racist, and think abortion should be allowed
may I go on"

I'm just 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 there's so much to unpack from this and how fucking wrong it is I'm just crying– I won't go into detail why it's wrong but it is so I'm gonna go type my response now brb

@larcenistarsonist group

I was waiting so long for a Trumpie wumpie woo to get angry at me and it finally happened guys this is the best day of my life

Imagine having to wait for someone to get mad at you after you started the thing by getting pressed for someone to have a different opinion than you

You literally came at us, saying that you hated this chat and you called kanye west a dumbass after i clearly voiced support for him. Don't get mad at us for not liking your opinion because you support a man who has chosen to not respect this community's rights.

@Ol1ve group

I was waiting so long for a Trumpie wumpie woo to get angry at me and it finally happened guys this is the best day of my life

Imagine having to wait for someone to get mad at you after you started the thing by getting pressed for someone to have a different opinion than you

You literally came at us, saying that you hated this chat and you called kanye west a dumbass after i clearly voiced support for him. Don't get mad at us for not liking your opinion because you support a man who has chosen to not respect this community's rights.

I said my belief and left it at that, you guys decided to get butthurt about it


I have finished typing out my long proof on why homosexuality isn't a sin and now I'm afraid to give it to my parents lmao

(and send it to me if you wanna, i'm very very interested in what you have to say)

i might send it to you, got an email?
I would just copy-paste it here but it's like 6 pages. lmao

@larcenistarsonist group

@Ol1ve you can't just walk into an LGBTQIAP+ community chat and say that you support Trump, a clear enemy of the community. You can't just walk into a New York bar, say you love the Red Sox and walk out expecting everything to be fine. You CHOSE to tell us your opinion when NOBODY asked. That's on you, my guy.

Deleted user

@Ol1ve you can't just walk into an LGBTQIAP+ community chat and say that you support Trump, a clear enemy of the community. You can't just walk into a New York bar, say you love the Red Sox and walk out expecting everything to be fine. You CHOSE to tell us your opinion when NOBODY asked. That's on you, my guy.


@larcenistarsonist group

@Ol1ve you can't just walk into an LGBTQIAP+ community chat and say that you support Trump, a clear enemy of the community. You can't just walk into a New York bar, say you love the Red Sox and walk out expecting everything to be fine. You CHOSE to tell us your opinion when NOBODY asked. That's on you, my guy.


why thank you goblin

@Ol1ve group

@Ol1ve you can't just walk into an LGBTQIAP+ community chat and say that you support Trump, a clear enemy of the community. You can't just walk into a New York bar, say you love the Red Sox and walk out expecting everything to be fine. You CHOSE to tell us your opinion when NOBODY asked. That's on you, my guy.

K is there a community for a Lesbian who voted for trump or is there not?

Deleted user

trump is homophobic and transphobic. ofc there are no communities for lgbtq+ trump supporters.

@Mojack group

considering the majority of this forum is LGBTQ+, very left leaning as a whole (but there are right leaning people too, it just depends) I don’t think it would be very smart to say you voted trump
Actually not smart to vote trump at all lol. And it baffles me that you, as an LGBTQ+ community member would do that given trump’s policies so…


hey olive i don't like you now
you're extremely uneducated about politics and you can't just shit on ppl for being liberal or whatever the fuck

mj trill tho