forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@Ol1ve group

Everything you JUST SAID I have personally disproven for your stupid ass but I will do it again.

like I said there are bad and good to everything, I have no control over the bad as a single pawn in this world.

@Ol1ve group


Have you actually done research or are you just guessing?
You can't support lgbtq+ if you support trump.

well I do so eh

@tungsten fastfood

economic movement,

Okay I love this and it makes me laugh. So imagine my surprise when the statistic of unemployment and our overall GDP is at an all time low because of a shitty covid response leaving millions unemployed under…

Trump. He doesn't believe in science so why should he have cared?

pro life movement

This is so disgusting coming from a woman. Why would any self respecting woman support the pro life "movement"? I don't see any support for new mothers, I see the right wings advocating for "not all men" ahem, and fetuses don't legally count as children! Period! Your movement of "pro-life" is a joke. It's old white religious men trying to take control of their wives through means of their own bodies. Open your fucking eyes.

'all are racist towards whites, I back the blue cause they are under paid already

I love this

Being racist against white people is a fucking myth. The BLM matter is for equality under police brutality and against WHITE hate crime. I hate how you fuckers advocate for alm and blue lives but then you're the assholes who stormed the capitol and BEAT OFFICERS TO DEATH. There is nothing good about your party.

@spacebluelily language

I actually don't have a Twitter account because I know they're as brainless as you over there

they are. they once told me i was wrong and shouldn't be allowed to use social media lmao
but it's fun to get them angry
there's even accounts where they insult the trumpies

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Have you actually done research or are you just guessing?
You can't support lgbtq+ if you support trump.

well I do so eh

You admitted to being fine with Trump taking trans rights away because it's 'not homophobia', you don't support lgbtq+

@tungsten fastfood

I'm looking for the good things under Trump's administration that wasn't destroyed under a shit COVID regulation or blatant disregard for American democracy but I can't find it 🤔


Here sweetie, in case you're still confused.

trump has done so many things to attack the lgbtq+ community.
I'm not even mad that you are conservative, big whoop, you're right.
Who gives a shit.
The problem is that you support a homophobic, transphobic creep. That's the issue here.

I know several republican right conservative gay people, that's not a problem, we get along, but they don't support trump because he infringed on their rights. Stay educated sweet bun.

@Ol1ve group

'all are racist towards whites, I back the blue cause they are under paid already

I love this

that was taken out of context and you know it

@spacebluelily language

trump murdered an iranian general
he's a legit racist
and has shown interested in fucking his daughter
has done severe damage to the lgbtq+ community
among other bad things

@Ol1ve group

Here sweetie, in case you're still confused.

trump has done so many things to attack the lgbtq+ community.
I'm not even mad that you are conservative, big whoop, you're right.
Who gives a shit.
The problem is that you support a homophobic, transphobic creep. That's the issue here.

I know several republican right conservative gay people, that's not a problem, we get along, but they don't support trump because he infringed on their rights. Stay educated sweet bun.

Like I said there are bad in everything but look at the other good things

@tungsten fastfood

'all are racist towards whites, I back the blue cause they are under paid already

I love this

that was taken out of context and you know it

It wasnt… the main point of me saying this was that you think it's even POSSIBLE for people to be racist against white Americans. I say that. You take it out of context.

@tungsten fastfood

Like I said there are bad in everything but look at the other good things


@spacebluelily language

Like I said there are bad in everything but look at the other good things

what other good things? he's not a good person.
he's a horrible person and a bad loser
even his ex-wife said so


Like I said there are bad in everything but look at the other good things

Oh yes, always look over the bad, because that doesnt matter, right?
When someone takes away your rights, that's totally fine because he likes trees, right?


Lmao, I'm done with this, clearly they're not getting the point.
They're gonna choose to stay uneducated and support a creep, that's alright with me, the oompa loompa has already left office.


I need some movie suggestions, help me outttt

@spacebluelily language

Lmao, I'm done with this, clearly they're not getting the point.
They're gonna choose to stay uneducated and support a creep, that's alright with me, the oompa loompa has already left office.


I need some movie suggestions, help me outttt

that very good disney movie called Coco


Lmao, I'm done with this, clearly they're not getting the point.
They're gonna choose to stay uneducated and support a creep, that's alright with me, the oompa loompa has already left office.


I need some movie suggestions, help me outttt



I shall put those on my list, I am currently grounded from my phone for being openly gay, so I'm compiling a list of movies to pass the time.

I totally recommend Breach btw, 2007.

And I absolutely adore horror and thriller, so yessss