forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@tungsten fastfood

Imagine not hitting upperclassmen year and thinking you're gonna keep those grades 🤧

But then again I'm literally the stupidest bitch I know so haha (I also had a bad freshman year)

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Reed if you're fourteen rn you don't have one

Some schools don't do it for underclassmen

my school does
it's a requirement for my magnet
I gotta keep above a 3.5 to stay

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you a goddess or something?

I agree, m'theydy. you've passed the vibe check with flying colors.

@tungsten fastfood

@/Ol1ve 1 minute ago
you bring more heart than facts

Ah man I'm disappointed. I spent so long writing my response and this is what I get?

But thanks, if you're seeing this, for the confirmation that you have no idea what you're talking about and can't argue for your opinions at all.

@tungsten fastfood

Yeah it's still ongoing

They think because they're giving up they're better than me but instead it's because their opinions are blatantly indefensible

Also I love another supporter saying "fuck you❤" ❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

I'm an icon guys

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@/Ol1ve 1 minute ago
you bring more heart than facts

Oop, a paraphrased quote from me?

@tungsten fastfood

@/Ol1ve 23 minutes ago
you bring more heart than facts

@/Ol1ve 11 minutes ago

But thanks, if you're seeing this, for the confirmation that you have no idea what you're talking about and can't argue for your opinions at all.

its not that I'm not arguing for my opinions, its just I'm going to quit letting you have the satisfaction of shitting on them and let you be you cause I really don't care at this point

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@Emu 7 minutes ago
I'm sorry my opinions are based on educated fact and you can't handle that, babe. I can't take you seriously because you being a lesbian and being so right wing is just gross. Educate yourself dude.

@/Ol1ve 3 minutes ago
I'm sorry if I'm "UnEducated" due to me having morals and common sense. Just because I'm lesbian and I'm a Republican shouldn't be known as gross. I think we all have the right to an opinion, thats basic human rights and common sense and it ties with our 1st Amendment. It's not like I can't handle people its just the fact I don't care about their feelings.

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@Emu 28 seconds ago
That has nothing to do with what I just said. You're basing your opinions on your own shitty morals because you believe women should be household typical wives who don't have any control over their bodies, that people should be allowed to be choked on the street and that minorities or the mentally slow Americans of our country deserve to be mocked by YOU. You're not a Republican, you're a Trump supporter, which is an embarrassment on that party. If you were even a little educated, you'd know that. Go read or something, you need it.

I don't really care anymore but here's what yall missed if you still care. If you want me to move somewhere else I can, but just letting you know it's still ongoing :)))

And if anyone thinks I'm being aggressive, that is the whole point. Trump supporters actively want to take rights away from Americans because they supported a tyrant who wanted to crumble democracy. FUCK DONALD TRUMP AND HIS CLUELESS SUPPORTERS

@tungsten fastfood

They responded to my previous comments weird so the ones that are quoted are them

when did I say anything about this?

"basic human rights and common sense and it ties with our 1st Amendment." You want to take away rights and enforce gender roles. Also I highly doubt you even understand the first Amendment. You know Trump went against that too when he gassed BLM protesters?

What party is trump?……….Republican

He's a fascist 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

you mean all the bullshit lies on the internet?

Yep exactly why you're uneducated and stupid. You're not winning this argument. Also surprisingly!!!!! I learned a lot from school and physical books I committed myself to by actively trying to be a well rounded, educated American. Wild.

I actually don't have a Twitter account because I know they're as brainless as you over there

@tungsten fastfood

And again, to the innocent LGBT+s here who don't want this here, I'm sorry, just tell me if it makes you uncomfortable and I'll move to rudeness or something

@Ol1ve group

I'm sorry but I can't help but to giggle reading though this, I'm not hating on your guy's opinions lol so don't hate me for that. Its still kinda funny on how it keeps going. my main reasons of Trumps political campaign where the economic movement, the pro life movement. All lives matter isn't racist some of the supporters just showed it, not all supporters of the same person are the same you know. you guys like spotting the single bad thing instead of showing any of the good, everything in life has something bad in it and that we have to deal with. I'm sorry if I am going on a Rant about this. I support the LGBT I'm not against them, I'm not racist nor do I think that y'all are racist towards whites, I back the blue cause they are under paid already, some are bad most are good, but thats the thing there are good and bad about everything.