forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I got my braces off today and I was showing my class and everyone was like "wow they're so straight!" and my friend(who I'm kind of out to) and I just- looked at each other, and I think we were both thinking that my teeth are the straightest thing about me

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

that's awesome! finding a label that's comfortable for you is the best feeling ever. and i came out at 13 but- well i didn't really come out, i was outed. and i wish it had never happened because it's not had any positive effects on my home life to say the least-

@The-Magician group

I remember the time when I thought I was trans— I told my mum and soon after quickly realised I’m definitely not trans, but I think she still thinks I am. My parents know I like women, they know I like men, they know that “I think ‘they’ is cool” (and yes I did actually say that when they corrected my sister for calling me ‘he’)
But either way, I really regret mentioning that I was questioning my gender because they immediately thought I was doing it for attention…
But I’m feeling brave and I want to come out to my grandparents in the morning which I think is probably going to backfire!!!

@Becfromthedead group

Saaame, even my brother is catching on to transphobia and it's icky
Like one of his friends is amab and came out as a trans girl(?) and he was talking to my mom about how everyone is "becoming trans." And they agreed that is was a "trend."
Like who fucking cares? It's not hurting anyone and also you don't get to be offensive over someone's identity because you don't "agree" with it

Deleted user

Honestly my parents regularly pingpong back and forth about whether or not they accept me, coming out is such a hassle when you’ve got your family listening to Rush Limbaugh and AOC at the same time. Most of my family makes fun of me but nothing’s escalated to actual violence with most of them. Still… I do say most of them. And not lightly, because every violence against my person is trans-related in some way. At least I’ve moved out of there. Although tbh I wish I hadn’t because I kinda miss my baby cousins and also my friend that I’ve moved in with is a bit pushy, even if well meaning and I don’t know how to bring it up without offending em and wow this derailed quickly. Moral of the story is don’t fuck up your life by coming out until you’ve tested if people are safe okay?


Saaame, even my brother is catching on to transphobia and it's icky
Like one of his friends is amab and came out as a trans girl(?) and he was talking to my mom about how everyone is "becoming trans." And they agreed that is was a "trend."
Like who fucking cares? It's not hurting anyone and also you don't get to be offensive over someone's identity because you don't "agree" with it

My parents are the same way. Luckily I have a supportive sibling and friends.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Once you're out of the closet, you can't go back in.

Big this because I came out last year as bi to my parents but recently I had to tell them my orientation changed and my mom's been giving me a lot of shit for it

Be careful and pick the right time to come out

yes, precisely. my parents never took me seriously, but even so, when they went through my social media and saw pan in my bio they were like what the fuck, make up your mind, you're young and confused, etc etc. because before that they had thought i was bi, which i was for awhile. but i didn't ever come out to them, they just found out so it's better to wait with that kind of stuff if it's going to cause problems for you.

@squiddicus language

hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around for ages, I've been so busy being back at school….
i just wanted to say I hope you're all doing OK and I love you all lots. you guys all deserve nothing but happiness and love and I just hope you remember that

@Ol1ve group

see ima let my opinion go out a little, (my opinion shut up). Even though I'm lesbian I'm not too versed in the LGBT since the drama coming from it, and a lot of the toxic attention that happens in and around the community. I kinda steer away from a lot of other LGBT irl since of all this, its not that I hate them its I don't agree a lot with their views in things either and I can't actually be social with them.

@larcenistarsonist group

I was straightening my hair and my friend looks at me and goes "thats the straightest thing on you" and a;ksdjf;alks I was wearing a Queen T-shirt, ripped sky blue jeans, doc martens, and a red yellow and blue flannel. She's not wrong.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I was straightening my hair and my friend looks at me and goes "thats the straightest thing on you" and a;ksdjf;alks I was wearing a Queen T-shirt, ripped sky blue jeans, doc martens, and a red yellow and blue flannel. She's not wrong.

she's not-


haha did I just make a tweet of my partner’s reaction to the Virgil jacket I made for them and tag the almighty Thomas Sanders in hopes that he sees it? Yes. Yes I did.
Hoping this doesn’t end up backfiring on me somehow :’)

@Becfromthedead group

;-; gay club is trying to get rid of a ton of pins from their event the other day so I finally managed to snag a few pride flag pins
And they had demisexual and genderflux pins too!

@Ol1ve group

;-; gay club is trying to get rid of a ton of pins from their event the other day so I finally managed to snag a few pride flag pins
And they had demisexual and genderflux pins too!

idk what those mean but ok!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I was straightening my hair and my friend looks at me and goes "thats the straightest thing on you" and a;ksdjf;alks I was wearing a Queen T-shirt, ripped sky blue jeans, doc martens, and a red yellow and blue flannel. She's not wrong.

asdfghj a few weeks ago I met up with some friends, including one who doesn't go to our school anymore, and I was wearing docs, rolled-up jeans, socks with the tops folded over the docs, and an oversized sweatshirt, plus a bandanna around my neck and the first thing my friend said was "You look so gay!"


Something really bad happened last night and I don't think I can shake it.

My parents went through my phone and found that I was being openly gay. They proceeded to ask me about who I had a crush on, then they called me "sick". They said I had so much garbage in my head that I can't tell what's right and what's wrong. They said that I'm so full of sin that it's clouding my judgment.

They told me that I only think about myself, and that I'm selfish. They blamed it on the fact that I'm gay, and they said that having that much sin in my life is causing me to be a bad person.

Then they asked me about the things I was posting on my story, which was essentially me saying that Homophobia really bothered me and that I had witnessed my friend go through some and it bothered me. They said that I constantly sounded miserable and that I had no reason to be miserable, seeing as to how I have a wonderful and loving household.

Then they asked me if I really am miserable, of course I said no because I knew they wouldn't understand, but they kept drilling me until I said yes. Then they asked why, and I said "Things will never change." They continued to force this stupid "You are a Christian, I know you are, you're letting this sin get the better of you." stuff down my throat, continuing to remind me that I do nothing but break their rules and take from them, I never give anything back. They tld me that they would never accept me and my lifestyle and that I as to simply get over it.

They said that dating guys is forbidden and that it's disgusting and I am an abomination. They told me to stop thinking of my feelings and to think of their feelings, because apparently, I ignore them, which I do, but can you blame me? I can't come to them about any bullying, homophobia, crushes, love, hopes, dreams, because they will just tell me that I am garbage.

I seriously wasn't well last night. I barely got out of bed this morning, and quite frankly, I just want to fade away.

The worst thing is that I am performing tonight in the show, and they will be there, clapping and pretending to be proud of me, then I'l go home into all of the homophobia and have to deal with it. I can't do it. I can't handle this anymore. It's just getting worse. There's nothing I can do, they will always view me as a disgusting abomination to God.

I even told them that I don't believe in god. And they berated me over that.
Pretty much, I'm burning in hell.

That and I'm grounded from my phone. So that's fun.


They told me to stop thinking of my feelings and to think of their feelings

Okay they're gonna tell you you're being selfish then say this?? The fuck??? I can't really say anything other than the fact that you're not the garbage one, they are absolute trashbags of parents and should start thinking of how they are making their child feel. I'm so sorry you have to live with that, Tom.


I'm just so close to teetering off the edge.

I'll be fine tho, i'll make it.

don't forget that we love you and we'll be here for you