forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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I'm just so close to teetering off the edge.

I'll be fine tho, i'll make it.

don't forget that we love you and we'll be here for you

absolutely. i can't claim to know what you're going through by any means, but me and plenty others are here if you need to vent, or you need advice, or if you just need to feel loved and supported for who you are. <3

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

I'm just so close to teetering off the edge.

I'll be fine tho, i'll make it.

don't forget that we love you and we'll be here for you

absolutely. i can't claim to know what you're going through by any means, but me and plenty others are here if you need to vent, or you need advice, or if you just need to feel loved and supported for who you are. <3

we're all here, always. i know exactly what that feels like. as i was reading that i was literally like wow i'm going through the very same thing. so know that we're all here for you.


I'm just so close to teetering off the edge.

I'll be fine tho, i'll make it.

maybe tell your parents that they're failing to be good parents. Tell them they're role as a parent is to lift their child up, to respect them and love them for who they are. But instead they're bringing you down by telling you God doesn't love you and you're garbage. God's love is unconditional, he'll love us no matter what, and a parent's love should be the same. Unconditional. Tell them that they're love is conditional right now just because you're not like them. You do what you want to do. Think guys are attractive. Don't let them hold you down. Plus I don't think the Bible says that Gays are bad…

@The-Magician group

No, the Bible doesn’t say that all, it’s just how people have interpreted the texts.
The term “homosexuality” was only coined a couple decades ago, and there is no mention of “homosexuality” from any of the prophets so it’s safe to assume that the term didn’t even exist when the books of the Bible were written.

@Becfromthedead group

Even if it did:

  1. It's not their job to condemn you
  2. It's not on par with some other sins that are forgiven by humans easily
  3. It's inappropriate for them to force their views on you so hard


The homophobic spread from the line of the Bible 'man shalt not lay with man' is the result of a mistranslation

It actually says 'man shalt not lay with boy'

@The-Magician group

The homophobic spread from the line of the Bible 'man shalt not lay with man' is the result of a mistranslation

It actually says 'man shalt not lay with boy'

Are you on about Leviticus 18:2 — “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” ?
This has had many translations because we have to remember that the books of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew, and an old form of Hebrew at that.
The KJV translates the verse as: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” The NIV offers: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.” The NRSV, 1989, states: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” The Priest for Equality translation makes a bold move with its translation: “Do not lie with a person of the same-sex in the same way as you would lie with a person of the opposite sex; it is detestable.”


even then, Leviticus are all Jewish laws.
The whole book of Leviticus was written for the Levites, God's chosen people, and one of the twelve tribes of Isreal that was given the right to contact god. They became priests.
The whole book is laws for these priests and for the Jewish people in order to remain clean enough to worship God, as Prayer wasn't a thing because Jesus hadn't died on the cross, therefore there wasn't a bridge from the earth to heaven and all that.

For context, let me explain a little about the system of Prayer before Jesus.
There was a temple, and in the temple, the Ark of the Covenant was held, along with incense and a sacrificial table for sacrifices. The Priests were the only ones allowed to enter the Temple, they were chosen by god, and they had very specific rules to follow in order to be clean enough to be in the presence of God. Those rules were the rules like don't eat pork or bottom-feeding fish. Don't wear mixed cloth and stuff like that. They had to wear specific clothes when they entered the temple and they had to wear a rope tied to their ankle, their robes had bells along the bottom, and here's why. As soon as the priest crossed the veil, into the temple, if the priest had broken any of the rules, or was "unclean" he would drop dead, the bells would stop ringing, and they would have to pull them out with the rope, because again, no one could cross the veil unless it was a priest, and even then, they could still die.
That is the whole book of Leviticus, rules for the priests and jews.

And here's why they are irrelevant, and the book is there solely for the history of Christianity.

When Jesus died on the cross, the "veil was torn in two" with a great earthquake and the sky went dark. This is very important

Matthew 27:51

"When Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He yielded up His spirit. At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. "

This is signifying that, now that Jesus has died for our sins, we no longer need a veil or priest, now anyone can pray, because our sins have been paid for. Now that we don't need priests, we don't need the laws for those priests, and therefore, Leviticus means nothing to us. And so when someone brings up that scripture, even though it's mistranslated, they still like to push it, so this is what I tell them, because even if it did mean homosexuality, it doesn't matter anymore.

(I have done a shit ton of research on this, my dad is a pastor, I have read the bible my whole life, I have met with people who literally went to college to study these things. I know what I'm talking about. But again, I'm agnostic, so take it or leave it ig.)


No problem!

I have so much proof to disprove the "homosexuality is a sin" stuff, they just choose not to listen. I am seriously contemplating doing a whole paper thing with sources and such and just giving it to them.

Idk, I talked to a close friend and they said that they are going through the same thing, and they are older than me, and they told me that the only thing I can do is just suffer it out, and take sanctuary in friends.

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

No problem!

I have so much proof to disprove the "homosexuality is a sin" stuff, they just choose not to listen. I am seriously contemplating doing a whole paper thing with sources and such and just giving it to them.

this is very good, yes. because being educated on topics you're debating on is obviously so important. and since gays have to defend themselves for literally just being who we are, it's very nice to be able to defend yourself in an educated manner.


my friend is dating someone let name him michael and name my friend kayden. michael is transphobic but kayden is trans and michael said in front of kayden "transgender doesnt genetically change the gender" and he always saying trans isnt real. we need to make like a yt video that explains trans


my friend is dating someone let name him michael and name my friend kayden. michael is transphobic but kayden is trans and michael said in front of kayden "transgender doesnt genetically change the gender" and he always saying trans isnt real. we need to make like a yt video that explains trans

one word: contrapoints. go check her out

Deleted user

I'm a Lesbian I voted trump Bai

Pfft I didn't know you hated your rights 😏

my reason I dont like this forum

you- don't like this forum because people are speaking facts-?