forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@Katastrophic group

literally one of the most important locations in christian history is called "skull" so
Also christians shouldn't get to be opposed to skulls, saying as they severed so many during the crusades. But they do like to forget about that part.

@Katastrophic group

Honestly christianity is just- bleh. It sucks because there are so many actually good people but there are just more who use it as an excuse for their shitty actions. One of the reasons I distanced myself from my religion was because of the adults around me who excused their bad behavior with bible quotes. They either pull some bs about how their own agenda is "god's will" or they justify being a good person soley because they go to mass once a week. Literally one of the biggest teachings is to love everyone and live quietly in your faith, and yet you have people blasting facebook about how devout they are in hating anyone who's not "adam and eve."
Whoops that turned into a minirant


I literally just found this out yesterday that the couple who used to be head of the worship team at my church, were low key pushed to leave because they weren’t considered to be “Christian enough” because they support the LGBTQ+ community.

Deleted user

I'd rock platforms and I ain't no pussy bitch but they're expensive 🤧

dude I got Demonias but it took me literally months of saving money to buy them, though, it was completely worth buying them in my opinion

@larcenistarsonist group

At least Christians are better than Mormons. I live in a town wheres theres a mormon church on every street and practically everyone that goes t on my school is mormon including my teachers so just AAAAAAAAAAAA

@tungsten fastfood

I'd rock platforms and I ain't no pussy bitch but they're expensive 🤧

dude I got Demonias but it took me literally months of saving money to buy them, though, it was completely worth buying them in my opinion

Bgnfnfbg but like I've said before I'm almost positive their pricing is by shoe size and it's hard to find shoes that will fit my long toes that won't bankrupt me lmfao


At least Christians are better than Mormons. I live in a town wheres theres a mormon church on every street and practically everyone that goes t on my school is mormon including my teachers so just AAAAAAAAAAAA

The Utahn aesthetic.
Can relate.

My family moved here, though, and they're all evangelical, so I also relate to the martyrdom fantasies, the blood cult vibes, and the plague that is evangelical culture.


I literally just found this out yesterday that the couple who used to be head of the worship team at my church, were low key pushed to leave because they weren’t considered to be “Christian enough” because they support the LGBTQ+ community.

They sound coolio

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

aww, yeah sometimes the shoes don't fit so I understand that but as far as pricing goes they aren't that bad, I think

these are the ones I got and they weren't too pricey (even though for me, it is that pricey)

Those are pretty boots
welp, I know what I'm asking for for my birthday


I literally just found this out yesterday that the couple who used to be head of the worship team at my church, were low key pushed to leave because they weren’t considered to be “Christian enough” because they support the LGBTQ+ community.

They sound coolio

They are. Their oldest daughter is one of the drum majors in the band

@CasiCasino group

I was on the texting with my female bestfriend earlier and she told me she missed her boyfriend and that she could really use some

right now.

Of course.
I said ‘same’.
… she went offline.

@CasiCasino group

I mean, we have a really open friendship to the point where she talks about ‘adult cuddling’ with her boyfriend with me. Heck, she even asks me for advice on things she could say to make his ego fall a bit just for the fun of it.
Being the great friend I am, I said this—
“The next time you two have ‘adult cuddling’, say ‘is it in yet?’”
I got a call from her boyfriend that night and it was fucking hilarious.