forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Me: Okay so I'm very confused and think I have a problem
My brain: What's up
Me: Most of the time I don't mind my female body but sometimes I hate it??
My brain: Okay but consider: I don't like being called a boy but I really don't mind they/them pronouns but also I don't want to bring it up for fear of calling attention to myself but I also like being traditionally feminine sometimes she/her is nice but what if that's because it's what I'm used to being called and I can't ask anyone because what if they think I'm just trying to get attention or pity
Me: Goddamnit

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Sometimes I think in animations whenever I'm like, listening to a podcast/lecture and it's honestly getting really annoying because I can see everything I want to draw or animate, but I can't draw or animate them the way I want

Also, sometimes I can think in other people's voices, which is pretty helpful for motivating myself, I can just kinda switch to Eret's voice and tell myself that I can do whatever I'm feeling hopeless about

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Me: Okay so I'm very confused and think I have a problem
My brain: What's up
Me: Most of the time I don't mind my female body but sometimes I hate it??
My brain: Okay but consider: I don't like being called a boy but I really don't mind they/them pronouns but also I don't want to bring it up for fear of calling attention to myself but I also like being traditionally feminine sometimes she/her is nice but what if that's because it's what I'm used to being called and I can't ask anyone because what if they think I'm just trying to get attention or pity
Me: Goddamnit

I relate to this on a spiritual level, I feel every word of this

@Becfromthedead group

Ooh, felt that.
She/her pronouns are fine with me (though I do also use they/them), and I do present more feminine a lot of the time, but feminine titles and descriptors kinda hit me weird, is my thing. So like ma'am, miss, young lady, woman, etc. Do I just not like what it means to be a traditional woman in our society? Do I dislike the connotations and stereotypes? Or am I really kind of my own thing, just kinda vibing as far as gender goes?
Am I some flavor of not-cis, or am I just a gender-non-conforming woman?
I grew up not really wanting to be viewed like the other girls in the sense of femininity. I wanted to be considered a "tomboy" in a sense, but I was always too feminine for that. My hobbies, my clothes (that said, my mom was still picking put my clothes), a lot of my presentation was still overwhelmingly "girly."
And I just kind of hate the idea of saying that I'm not like other women, but like… I do have a very queer expression of femininity, so I'm really not? But it's still femininity, which makes it more confusing.
(Also this might sound weird, but since I cut off all my hair, I've felt more comfortable with my body and femininity in general???? So uh, now I'm even more confused lmao)

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Ooh, felt that.
She/her pronouns are fine with me (though I do also use they/them), and I do present more feminine a lot of the time, but feminine titles and descriptors kinda hit me weird, is my thing. So like ma'am, miss, young lady, woman, etc. Do I just not like what it means to be a traditional woman in our society? Do I dislike the connotations and stereotypes? Or am I really kind of my own thing, just kinda vibing as far as gender goes?
Am I some flavor of not-cis, or am I just a gender-non-conforming woman?
I grew up not really wanting to be viewed like the other girls in the sense of femininity. I wanted to be considered a "tomboy" in a sense, but I was always too feminine for that. My hobbies, my clothes (that said, my mom was still picking put my clothes), a lot of my presentation was still overwhelmingly "girly."
And I just kind of hate the idea of saying that I'm not like other women, but like… I do have a very queer expression of femininity, so I'm really not? But it's still femininity, which makes it more confusing.
(Also this might sound weird, but since I cut off all my hair, I've felt more comfortable with my body and femininity in general???? So uh, now I'm even more confused lmao)

THIS- THIS IS ME! I also cut my hair and I do feel a lot more comfortable with myself now. I've also just been dressing less feminine here lately, I haven't worn any of my skirts or dresses in awhile, it's mostly just ripped up jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, and sneakers. I love it most of the time, it's comfortable, but at the same time, I went to a quinceñera on Saturday and I wore a black bodysuit with my dark blue bell bottoms and- get this- high heels. Like, black high heel boots, and I felt s o powerful. Aside from already being taller than my mostly Mexican-under-5'5"-family, I was also almost as tall as my aunt who is literally like a whole model. And I was so confident, I was like, yeah, I could be okay with this whole "being a girl" thing. But at the same time I just wanna cut my hair shorter and be masc all the time. It just depends on my mood and it's frustrating

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i think you'll only know if you try ;) i didn't think i'd feel good masc, but i tried it n i was like "woah this kinda slaps" my advice is to just try it out, if you don't like it, cool, then it's not your thing, but if you like it, no matter if you think you can pull it off or not, do it! we all deserve to feel comfy in our own skin, so do whatever makes you feel that way!

Deleted user

I like being masc but I'm just stupid so 😳

i- that's a whole mood-

@tungsten fastfood

I like being masc but I'm just stupid so 😳

i- that's a whole mood-


but masc looks low-key make me 😩