forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Deleted user

Okay Bee I don’t know you very well and you don’t know me but please leave now, let Josh handle this. This isn’t a good place for a kiddo like you, you should leave and take care of yourself okay?

Deleted user

Bee, honey, please get off of Notebook until Josh fronts again, this isn’t good for you. Grown up stuff.

I agree with this


I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!

Deleted user

guys whas the tehmpurakchure?

I had a stroke trying to read this


33 gallons Celsius

Deleted user

Sorry… one of my Alters fronted earlier.

Altered Beast

oh my GOD–

Deleted user

I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!

Honey, Bee, you’re fine! But please take care of yourself, okay? We’ll all be really proud of you if you do.

Deleted user

I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!

You didn't do anything wrong babe, you're just little.

Deleted user

Sorry… one of my Alters fronted earlier.

Altered Beast

oh my GOD–

His name is Creator, btw. My alter, that is…

Deleted user

I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!

bee, you did nothing wrong. it was an accident. we can't control who fronts

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

They DON’T KNOW THAT. They were already here when the switch happened, they don’t know any better!!! They’re a part of a system where this will happen sometimes, it’s a serious mental problem and we need to accommodate when this happens. Would you say to a person in a wheel chair that they shouldn’t be in an office building because it has stairs? No. We accommodate.

@Anemone eco

Sorry… one of my Alters fronted earlier.

Altered Beast

oh my GOD–

His name is Creator, btw. My alter, that is…

Dot dot dot

@Kamea public

Sorry… one of my Alters fronted earlier.

Altered Beast

oh my GOD–

His name is Creator, btw. My alter, that is…

Dot dot dot


Deleted user

Sorry… one of my Alters fronted earlier.

Altered Beast

oh my GOD–


k a m i

@Kamea public

They DON’T KNOW THAT. They were already here when the switch happened, they don’t know any better!!! They’re a part of a system where this will happen sometimes, it’s a serious mental problem and we need to accommodate when this happens. Would you say to a person in a wheel chair that they shouldn’t be in an office building because it has stairs? No. We accommodate.

Office buildings got elevators doe

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I will not censor my language for a child if the child is in a place where they should not be

We LITERALLY have no control over when Bee fronts, this is an accident, Josh just switched while he was on Notebook, and Bee got pulled in.

Of course. But Bee shouldn't be in this chat. Especially if they're so young they don't even know curses.

I- I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!

Honey, Bee, you’re fine! But please take care of yourself, okay? We’ll all be really proud of you if you do.

It’s okay, Bee, it’s not your fault! You’re doing just fine, it’s just that some people aren’t being very nice about this, and you should probably wait until Josh fronts again, okay?